Magnifying the Image
Mira Pro x64 provides screen image
magnifications in the range of 16x to 1/1024x. Magnifying changes
the mapping of 1 image pixel to 1 screen pixel. All magnification
values are powers of 2, so that no pixel interpolation occurs and
you always see actual image pixels. For example, using a
magnification of4 maps 1 image pixel
into 4 screen pixels whereas using a magnification of1/8 maps 4 image pixels to 1 screen pixel. For
extremely large images, using the maximum de-magnification option
of 1/1024 can be used to fully
display an image 1 million pixels wide in a 1000 pixel screen
Screen magnification is purely a view effect as no
changes are made to the actual pixel data. To change the image size
or scale requires interpolating the image using one of several
Image Geometry Commands, such as
Scale Image and
Affine Transformation commands.
Magnifying the Image about a Target Point
These methods use the (magnify) button on the
Image Bar to magnify the image at the location of the
pointer. This keeps the image centered at the location of the mouse
pointer provided the image fills the window. However, if the image
is smaller than the window, the center position will be
Using the Magnify Button
This method is available only when the
Image Bar is open in the
Image Window. If you hover the mouse over the
button, a tooltip will open showing
the current magnification. To change the magnification, use the
procedure below:
Click on the
Image Bar to enter "magnify mode". Then:
Point the mouse at the new center of
magnification. Then
To Enlarge: Click the left button.
To Shrink: Hold down the [Shift] key and click the left mouse button.
To leave magnify mode, enter another mode. For
example, click on the
Image Bar to switch to
Roam Mode in which no mouse command modes are
Using the Mouse Thumb Wheel
This method requires a mouse having a thumb wheel
or a mouse pad having thumb wheel emulation.
In any command mode, point the mouse at the
image where you want to center the magnification or
To Enlarge: Rotate the thumb wheel
To Shrink: Rotate the thumb wheel
Magnifying Relative to the Window Corner
The following methods magnify the image relative to
Image Window so that magnifying the image shifts it
relative to the top left corner. In general, this changes the
centering in the window.
Using the Magnify Menus
This method is available only when the
Image Bar is open in the
Image Window.
Right-click on the
Image Bar to open the Magnify menu.
Select the desired scale from the menu as shown
View Menu for Image Windows
On the menu at the top of the Mira application
window, click the View > Magnify command to open a menu
similar to the one above..
Select the magnification from the menu.
Magnify Menu of Image Context menu
Right click on the image to open the
Image Context Menu.
Select the Magnify menu,
Select the magnification setting from the
Related Topics
Image Windows
Image Bar
Mira Pro x64 8.71 User's Guide, Copyright Ⓒ 2024 Mirametrics, Inc.
All Rights Reserved.