Go to Source Image
The Plot Window's Go To Source Image command
brings the source
Image Window to the top of the window stack, selects
the source image, and moves the
image cursor to the location where the plot was
generated. This is useful for finding the source of the plotted
data when several
Image Windows or
Plot Windows are stacked on the Mira desktop.
The target source image depends on the number of
plots displayed in the
Plot Window and the current
Animation mode:
Plot Window Displays:
One plot series
The source
Image Window, source image, and image cursor
coordinates on the image.
Multiple plot series in Overplot Mode
The source
Image Window, source image, and image cursor
coordinates on the source image.
Multiple plot series in Animate Mode
The source
Image Window, first image, and image cursor
coordinates on the first image
When either a single plot is displayed or
Overplot Mode is enabled, the target
image that generated the plot is completely determined. In this
case, the image or image set will be set to the source image and
the image cursor will be positioned on that image. If Animate Mode mode is enabled, the target is the
first image of the source image window and the image cursor is
positioned on that image.
In the following example, 10 Image Windows
were opened, some of which included an image set with 5 images. A
horizontal plot was generated for the 10-image image set and that
Image Window was buried in the window stack. The Plot
Window below shows the horizontal plot for the image set in
Overplot Mode. Note that the
Image Plot Properties was set to use colors
black, red, green, and blue, etc. for sequential image set members.
For emphasis, the line thickness for image 2 in red was set to a
wider 1.5 points:
Using View > Find Image
Window command in the Plot Window's pull-down menu.
Since multiple plots are shown, the specific target image cannot be
determined. As a result, the first image of the target window was
selected. The target window was brought to the top of the window
stack as shown below:
To select the image and cursor coordinates
corresponding to plot 2, the
Plot Animation Bar was opened and animation mode was
selected to show individual plots of the plot series. The result is
shown below:
Next, the window containing the image set was
buried in the window stack and the plot window returned to the top.
Showing a single plot fro the plot series permitted the specific
Image Window, image, and cursor coordinates to be determined. In
the picture below, not only was the correct image window selected,
but the image set was advanced to image 2, corresponding to the red
Plot Series 2 in the Plot Series. The cursor coordinates were also
updated to the coordinates from which plot 2 was generated.
Comparing source image 1, above with source image 2, below, notice
that the same image cursor coordinates appear slightly higher on
image 2 because the image set is not precisely aligned.
Related Topics
Plotting Images and Data
Plot Windows
Plot Properties
Plot Series Pane
Marker Properties
Mira Pro x64 8.71 User's Guide, Copyright Ⓒ 2024 Mirametrics, Inc.
All Rights Reserved.