Sample Data Page (Star Removal)
The Sample Data page lists measurements for
all marked template and target objects. The data in this table can
be used to inspect or compare the objects you have marked. You
might then decide to take some action such as deleting one of the
template samples.
Sample Data Columns
The image.
Specifies the sample type and serial number for
each image. Template samples are named "Tmpl" before their serial
number and target objects have a minus sign before their serial
number. The minus sign indicates that the object was removed from
the image.
The Full Width at Half Maximum ("FWHM") for the
object, in units of pixels.
The estimated background value at the position of
the object, in units of ADU (also called "Counts", or "DN")
BG Sigma
The standard deviation of the background around
the fit surface. Since the fit rejects interfering stars and other
artifacts, this value characterizes the scatter in the "clean"
background around the object.
Net Count
The total signal of the object above background,
in units of ADU (also called "Counts", or "DN").
Related Topics
Star Removal
Star Removal Properties
Star Removal Aperture Tool
Mira Pro x64 8.71 User's Guide, Copyright Ⓒ 2024 Mirametrics, Inc.
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