Bit Histogram Plot
The Bit Histogram command plots a histogram
of the frequency of bit values in the digital image, as sampled
inside the
image cursor. The histogram frequency measures the
occurrence of each power of 2 in the values of the pixels, as
measured in digital counts (e.g., Analog to Digital Units, ADU, or
Digital Number, DN). This type of plot is helpful for assessing
whether the camera's A/D Converter is performing correctly and
whether it is limited by random noise or favors certain bits.
NOTE: The bit histogram plot often looks best when
the Default line is Stepped Line option
is checked in the
General Properties dialog (Ctrl+R).
The example below shows two examples of a bit
histogram: a single image and all 5 images in an image set, shown
with the
Plot Window in Overlay mode.
Interpreting the Bit Histogram Plot
In a digital image, pixel values are represented as
binary numbers which are the sums of powers of 2. For example, a
pixel value of 21 is represented as follows: 21 = 16 + 4 + 1 =
(1*24) +(1*22) + (1*20). This
number would be represented in a bit histogram as 1 added to the
frequency for bits 4, 2, and 0. A pixel value of 16384, or
1*214, would add 1 to the frequency for bit 14. In the
ideal case, in which the noise is totally random, the lowest bit
numbers within the noise should be equally represented. Considering
the example for 16,384, it is clear that only the high pixel values
contribute to the high bits in the bit histogram.
As an example, consider the plots above. The
histograms of 5 different images are are similar below bit 3 but
they diverge for bit 3 and above. There is almost no signal above
bit 7 which would correspond to signal in the range of 128 to 255
(the gap between bit 7 and bit 8). These images have an offset
(background level) of 128 to 131, and this is shown by the bit
histograms. The most interesting bits are the lowest order bits,
those with bit numbers 0, 1, 2, etc., since they are represent
variations within the camera noise. The lowest order bits help to
answer the question of whether the A/D converter is limited by true
random noise or whether it is biased toward certain bits. A single
high or low bit, markedly different from its neighbors, would
indicate such a bias, but no such bias is evident here.
Related Topics
Plotting Commands
Plot Properties
Camera Diagnostics
Mira Pro x64 8.71 User's Guide, Copyright Ⓒ 2024 Mirametrics, Inc.
All Rights Reserved.