
Mira Pro x64
New Features
Getting Application Help
About this Document
Tech Support
Getting Started
Glossary of Terms
Selecting Source Images
Setting Application Properties
Command Dialogs
Screen Capture
Multi Tab Interface
Mira's Special Folders
Changing the GUI Theme
Critical Concepts
Tip of the Day
Displaying an Image
Displaying an Image Set
Creating Plots from Images
Introduction to Image Registration
Making a Scatter Plot of Measurements
Using FITS Keywords to Analyze Image Data
Introduction to Aperture Photometry
Doing Time Series Photometry
Introduction to File Event Scripting
Cleaning Artifacts from an Image Set
Introduction to Source Extraction
Introduction to Astrometric Calibration
File Lists
Creating File Lists
Opening Files from File Lists
The Boost Transfer Function Option
Image Rotation
Adding Labels to an Image
Editing the FITS Header
Image Registration
Plot Windows
Plotting Examples
Column Plot
Row Plot
Line Profile Plot
Plotting an Averaged Line
Changing Plot Series Attributes
Plotting in World Coordinates
Comparison of Histogram Preferences
Contour Plotting Smoothing
3-D Plots
3-D Pixel Representations
3-D Z-Scaling
Distance and Angle
Selecting Cells in a Grid Control
Tutorial: Making a Scatter Plot of Measurements
Fixing Header Problems in Photometric Data
Importing a Photometry Catalog
Image Basics
Image Types
Image Sets
Image Set Flags
Image Set Properties
Image Set Toolbar
Image Set Applications
Image Sets Menu
Duplicating an Image Set
File Lists
Creating file lists
Editing file lists
Opening files from file lists
Opening Images
File opening and saving commands
Using Drag & Drop
Opening image files
Creating an image catalog
Duplicating an Image
Duplicating an Image Set
Opening files from file Lists
Using File Opening Plug-ins
Selecting Source Images
Importing a Binary Image
Importing a Text Image
Saving Images
Saving a single image
Saving an image set
Saving all image set members
Saving an image set to a Folder
Saving an image set with a filename Suffix
Saving an image set to a file list
Exporting as a binary image
Exporting as a text image
Image Cursor
Image Cursor Properties
Setting default and local properties
Image Window Properties
Image Plot Properties
Histogram Properties
Centroid Properties
FWHM Preferences
Radial Profile Properties
Palette Properties
Transfer Function Properties
General Properties
Selecting source images for commands
Image Display
Image Windows
Image Bar
Animation Bar
Image Palettes
Palette Pane
Palette Properties
Using the Palette Property Trackbars
Rubber Banding the Palette Graph
Importing Palettes
Transfer Functions
Transfer Function Properties dialog
Choosing Transfer Function Properties
Using the Boost Transfer Function Option
Default Transfer Function Properties
Transfer Function Pane
Transfer Function Popup Menus
Capture Cursor to TF command
User Interface
User Interface Overview
Working with Toolbars
Initializing Toolbars and Docking Panes
Docking Panes
Reset Bars and Menus
Reset Docking Panes
Command Dialogs
Command Toolbars
Main Message Pane
Image Cursor Toolbar
Image Keys Pane
Status Bar
Accelerator Keys
Profile Control
Status Bar
Save Window Position
GUI Theme
Changing the GUI theme
Context Menus
Image Context Menu
Image Context Menu for an image set
Plot Context Menu
3-D Plot Context Menu
Grid Context Menu
Dialog Styles
Command Dialogs
Dialog Buttons
Docking Panes
Overview of Docking Panes
Docking Panes Toolbar
Image Bar
Animation Bar
Image Keys Pane
Measurement Panes
Initializing Toolbars and Docking Panes
Reset Docking Panes
Property Profiles for Commands
Profile Control
Grid Controls
Report Windows
Grid Context Menu
Measurement Panes
Table Properties
Table Appearance Properties
Table Printing Properties
Tear-off menus
Main Context Menu
Default Menu Bar
Align Images Menu
Reset Bars and Menus
Pictures of Menus
Creating new text documents
Default File Menu
Calibration Menu
Diagnostics menu
Edit Menu
File Menu
Measure Menu
Mira Windows
Image Windows
Plot Windows
Grid Controls
Animation Pane
Image Bar
Image Set Toolbar
Image Window Keystroke Commands
Image Keys Pane
Adjusting the Image Cursor
Command Modes
Cursor Command Modes
Roam Mode
Cursor Mode
Plotting Images and Data
Creating a Plot from Table Data
Plotting Examples
Plot Bar
Plot Animation Bar
Plot Properties
Plot Series Pane
Plot Marker Properties
Image Plot Properties
Save Window Position
Chart Windows
Plotting Images and Data
Creating a Chart from Table Data
Chart Command Menu
Chart Axis Limits
Chart Properties Pane
Chart Series Properties
Chart Titles
Chart Legend Properties
Save Window Position
3-D Plot
3-D Animation Toolbar
3-D Rotation Toolbar
3-D Drawing Attributes
3-D Light Source Dialog
3-D Viewpoint Dialog
3-D Window Dialog
Save Window Position
File Open
Open Command
Opening & Saving Files
Opening Files from File Lists
Grid Controls
Report Commands
Report Window Menu
Save Window Position
Grid Properties
Table Appearance Properties
Table Printing Properties
Text Editor
Creating a new text document
Text Editor Edit Menu
Text Editor View Menu
Save Window Position
Script Editor Window
Script Editor Toolbar
Script Editor Context Menu
Script Editor View Menu
Save Window Position
File Opening Plug-ins
Image Processing Plug-ins
Working with Toolbars
Command Toolbars
Reset Bars and Menus
Image Keys Pane
3-D Animation Toolbar
3-D Rotation Toolbar
Cursor Tools Toolbar
Image Cursor Toolbar
Image Plot Toolbar
Image Set Toolbar
Image Tools Toolbar
Image Bar
Calibration Tools Toolbar
Interactive Repair Toolbar
Main Toolbar
Measurements Toolbar
Working with FITS Format
FITS Format Definition
FITS keywords
FITS Header Editor
Pixel Scale Sensitive FITS Keywords
FITS Header Pane
FITS image orientation
List COMMENT Keywords
List HISTORY Keywords
List Statistics Keywords
List WCS keywords
MIRAPROC keyword
Editing the FITS header
Modifying keywords
Adding metadata at file open or file save
Creating an image list from keywords
Searching images for keyword values
Viewing the FITS File Header
Fixing Header Problems in Photometric Data
Image Information Editor (RGB images)
Coordinate Systems
Image Coordinate System
Pixel Coordinate Definition
Subpixel Coordinate Definition
World Coordinate System
Image Display Orientation
FITS Image Orientation
Image Coordinate Display
Coordinate Commands
Go to cursor coordinates
Go To Object
Astrometric Calibration
Set an arcsecond scale
Set an equatorial scale
Set a linear scale
Set independent linear scales
Set linear world coordinate units
Calibrate a linear scale
Setting brightness units
Alignment Commands
High precision image registration
Align on Object
Align on Point
Align by WCS
Coordinate Readout
Set X-Axis Linear Format
Set Y-Axis Linear Format
Set Pixel Value Format
Select Image Properties
World Coordinate System
World Coordinate System Keywords
Deleting the WCS
Astrometric Calibration
Entering coordinate data
Changing reference point data
Calibration Preferences dialog
Plate Solution Strategy
Other preferences
Calibrating Images
Selecting Source Images
Creating Synthetic Images
Trimming an image section
Adding metadata at File Open or Save
Modifying header keywords
File Event Scripting
Astrometric Calibration
Express Image Calibration
Express Image Calibration
Bias Correction Properties
Dark Correction Properties
Flat Correction Properties
Cosmetic Correction Properties
Creating a Master Bias
Create Master Bias
Image Combining Strategy
Creating a Master Dark
Create Master Dark
Image Combining Strategy
Create Master Flat
Create Master Flat
Flat Frame Selection Criteria
Image Combining Strategy
Create Illumination Flat
Create Illumination Flat
Flat Correction Properties
Image Combining Strategy
Create Pixel Flat
Create Pixel Flat
Flat Correction Properties
Image Combining Strategy
Cosmetic Repairs
Creating a Pixel Mask
Applying a Pixel Mask
Clip Pixel Values
Clip High Values
Clip Low Values
Editing and Creating a Blemish Mask
Applying a Blemish Mask
Filtering Images
Removing Extreme Pixel Values
Cosmic Ray Filter
De-speckle Filter command
Clip High Values
Clip Low Values
Rank Filtering
Rank Filter
Median Filter
Minimum Filter
Maximum Filter
Smoothing Image Details
Rectangle Filter
Elliptical Filter
Binomial Filter
Gaussian Filter
Block Average Filter
Block Sum Filter
Sharpening Image Details
High Pass Filter
Unsharp Mask
Maximum Entropy command
Maximum Entropy example
Enhancing Edges
Gradient Filter
Rotational Gradient Filter
Rotational Gradient example
Laplacian Filter
Miscellaneous Kernel Filters
Custom Filter Kernel
3x3 Custom Filter command
Measuring Images
Measurement Panes
Image Measurements Toolbar
Image Cursor Toolbar
Image Keys Pane
Moving the image cursor to a coordinate
Setting Application Properties
Testing using synthetic images
Setting statistical estimator properties
Opening a table in Microsoft Excel
Tutorial: Working with Measurements in a Grid
Angle Measurements
Command overview
Marker properties
Aperture Photometry
Overview of aperture photometry
Apphot Pane for photometry results
Tutorial: Introduction to Aperture Photometry
Tutorial: Doing Time Series Photometry
How Magnitude and Errors are calculated
Editing target data and standard star data
Automatic detection of objects
Plotting a light curve
Kwee - van Woerden
Setting marker attributes
Preparing a report for the AAVSO
Setting the aperture size and shape
Setting photometry keywords
Fixing header problems in photometric data
Importing a photometry catalog
Calculate Julian Date
Definitions of measurements
Definitions of errors
Understanding signal to noise ratio
Aperture Photometry Toolbar
Aperture Photometry Properties
Aperture Photometry Properties dialog
Point Markers
Calibration Results
Image Information
Photometry Keywords
AAVSO Reporting
Other Properties
Measurement Output
Astrometric Calibration
Plate Solution Strategy
Centroid Measurements
Command overview
Centroid properties
Distance & Angle Measurements
Command overview
Measuring Distance and Angle
Angle Measurement Definition
FWHM Measurements
Command overview
FWHM properties
PSF Fit Properties
Labeling Images
Label Properties
Line Measurements
Command overview
Marker properties
Plot Line Measurements
Command overview
Marker Properties
Plot Point Measurements
Plot Point Measurements
Marker Properties
Shape Properties
Point Measurements
Command overview
Marker properties
Region Measurements
Command overview
Marker properties
Region properties
Statistics Measurements
Command overview
Statistics Measurements
Statistics properties
List Statistics Keywords
Remove Statistics Keywords
Marker Properties
Drawing Properties
Centroid Properties
Region Properties
Copying & Pasting Markers
Copy Markers
Paste Markers
Scatter Plots
Scatter Plot command
Tutorial: Making a Scatter Plot of Measurements
Selecting Cells in a Grid Control
Point Sampling
Pixel Table Pane
Viewing and editing pixel values
Report Windows
Grid Controls
Grid Context Menu
Optimizing the column width
Opening a table in Excel
Table Properties
Table Printing Properties
Table Appearance Properties
Plotting Images and Data
Plot Bar Pane
Creating a Chart from Table Data
Creating a Plot from Table Data
Examples of plot types
Examples of row plots
Setting Application Properties
Horizontal Slice Plot
Vertical Slice Plot
Stack Plots at Right
Reset Stacked Plot Origin
Plot Windows
Creating a Plot from Table Data
Plot Bar
Plot Animation Bar
Plot Keys Pane
Plot Context Menu
Set X-Axis Format
Set Y-Axis Format
Plot Series Data
Plot Measurements
Go to Source Image
Plot Averaging Modes
Saving a plot as a text file
Save Window Position
Stack Plots at Right
Reset Stacked Plot Origin
Chart Windows
Chart Windows
Creating a Chart from Table Data
Chart Command Menu
Chart Axis Limits
Chart Properties Pane
Chart Series Properties
Chart Titles
Chart Legend Properties
Save Window Position
Working with Plot Series
Plot Series Pane command
Example: Changing Plot Series Properties
Viewing Plot Series Data
Default Plot Series Properties
Overplotting & Animating
Go to Source Image
Copying & pasting plot series
Default Marker Properties
Setting marker attributes before the plot
1-D Curve Fitting
1-D Fit Toolbar
1-D Fit Properties
1-D Fit Menu Commands
Sigma Clipping the 1-D Fit
Using 1-D Fit Coefficient Forcing
Using 1-D Point Selection Regions
Using Point Deletion in the 1-D Fit
Using Series Selection for the 1-D Fit
1-D Fit Proeprties
Sigma Clipping Page
Set Coefs Page
Drawing Page
Column and Row Profile Plots
Column profile plots
Making a column profile plot
Row profile plots
Making a row profile plot
Plotting an averaged line
Plot Averaging Modes
Changing the Plot Appearance
Changing Plot Attributes
The Plot Attributes dialog
Using a dialog shortcut
X Axis Properties
Y Axis Properties
Plot Labels
Frame Properties
Selecting a Coordinate System
Plot coordinate systems
Using World Coordinates
Comparison of coordinate systems
Line profile plots
Creating a Line Profile plot
Setting Line Profile preferences
Centroid Preferences
Marker Properties
Radial profile plots
Making a radial profile plot
Radial Profile Properties
PSF Fit Properties
Histogram plots
Histogram plot of entire image
Histogram plot at the image cursor
Histogram Properties
Comparison of Histogram Preferences
Making a Bit Histogram plot
Plot Measurements
Plot Point Measurements
Plot Line Measurements
Calculating Plot Statistics
Statistics Measurements
Statistics Properties
Mark Statistic
Plot Marker Properties
Plot Notes Pane
Scatter plots
Scatter Plot command
Tutorial: Making a Scatter Plot of Measurements
Selecting Cells in a Grid Control
Pixel Series plots
Plotting a value through an image set
3-D plots
3-D Surface Plot command
3-D Plot Type Examples
3-D Z-Scaling Examples
3-D Viewpoint
3-D Window Dialog
3-D Drawing Attributes
3-D Light Source
Surface Plot Z Limits
Contour plots
Contour Plot command
Contour Plot Properties
Contour Drawing Properties
Interactive Contour Plot command
Interactive Contour Properties
Contour Plot Smoothing
Copy & Paste
Copying plot data to the clipboard
Pasting plots from the clipboard
Copying the window bitmap
Printing Plots
Printing Placement Properties
Printing Overlay Properties
Printing Heading Properties
Printing Text Properties
Window Properties
Plot Properties
Plot Series Pane
Processing Images
Command Dialogs
Selecting Source Images
Image Types
Image Region Commands
Testing calibration strategies using synthetic images
Image Keys Pane
File Event Scripting
Adding metadata at File Open or Save
Creating an image list from keywords
Searching images for keyword values
Cosmetic Repairs
Interactive Repair
Interactive Repair Properties
Removing cosmic rays from an image set
Blemish Masks
Creating and editing a blemish mask
Applying a blemish mask
Pixel Masks
Creating a pixel mask from an image
Editing a pixel mask
Applying a pixel mask
Clipping extreme pixel values
Clip High Values
Clip Low Values
Clip Pixel Values
Removing Stars from Images
Changing the aperture properties
Viewing data for template samples
Sample Data
Combining Images
Image Combining Strategy
Image Combining Methods
Combine Image Set
Combine Files
Normalize Image
Setting normalization preferences
Region Statistics
Aligning Images
Aligning on a point
Aligning on an extended object
Aligning using the WCS calibration
High Precision Registration command
Tutorial: Introduction to Image Registration
Example using Point Tracking
Image Registration Properties
Image Registration Properties Dialog
Image Registration Residuals
Marker Properties
Resampling Properties
Tracking Properties
Image Region Statistics
Editing & Copying
Duplicating to a new window
Emptying the Clipboard
Math Commands
Arithmetic Operations
Change Pixel Type
Combine Image Set
Fit Background
Image Arithmetic
Normalize Image
Region Statistics
Value Arithmetic
Using Plug-ins
Geometry Commands
Rotating Images
Rotation Menu
Affine Transformation
Expand Image
Imbed Image
Rotate by angle (from Image Toolbar)
Cropping to specified bounds
Cropping to the Image Cursor
Cropping by a rectangle
Align Horizontal
Align Vertical
Working with RGB images
Applying a palette to an RGB image
Merging color channels into an RGB Image
Merging color channels into an LRGB Image
Converting intensity to RGB
Converting intensity to Grayscale
Converting RGB to 16-bit Luminance
Converting to RGB to 8-bit Luminance
Removing color noise
Extracting channels from an RGB image
Commands for Intensity data
Extracting byte planes
Converting the data type
Converting to RGB
Using undo
Repairing Artefacts and Cosmetic Defects
Overview of Methods
Cleaning artefacts from an image set
Interactively Repairing Defects
Evaluating repair techniques using synthetic images
Blemish Masks
Creating and editing a blemish mask
Applying a Blemish Mask
Pixel Masks
Creating a Pixel Mask
Editing a Pixel Mask
Applying a Pixel Mask
Removing Stars from Images
Changing the aperture properties
Viewing data for template samples
Point Properties
Other Properties
Extracting Sources from Images
Using the MExtract Module
Definitions of Extracted Properties
Running the Pipeline
Properties for the Source Extraction Tutorial
Source Extraction dialog
Procedure page
Background page
Detect page
Filter page
Match page
Difference page
Post Process page
Post Processing Options
Centroid Properties (Source Extraction)
FWHM Properties (Source Extraction)
PSF Fit Properties
Aperture Photometry Properties
Variability Properties
Image Diagnostics and Calculations
Create Synthetic Image
Bit Histogram Plot
Calculate Airmass
Calculate Gain
Calculate Image Scale
Calculate Julian Date
Calculate Readout Noise
Mira Project Interface
Mira Project Manager
Mira Project Selector
Mira Project Interface Commands
Mira Scripting Interface
Using the Script Editor
Using the Script Manager
Editing script keywords
Related Topics
Script Editor Toolbar
Script Editor View Menu
Script Editor Context Menu
Mira Project Interface
File Event Scripting
File Event Scripting
Tutorial: Introduction to File Event Scripting

Mira Pro x64 User's Guide

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Magnitude Calculations

This topic describes how the Aperture Photometry package calculates the magnitudes and their random errors (or "uncertainties"). These quantities, as related to the table of photometry results, are also described in the topics Photometric Measurement Definitions and Photometric Error Definitions. This topic describes the math behind the calculations and how apertures are measured on an image.

Calculating the Magnitude

Mira computes the magnitude as

     m = K – 2.5 log ( Net Flux )


  • K is the photometric "zero point".

  • Net Count = Total Object Aperture Count - Average Background Count * Object Area.

  • Net Flux = Net Count * Gain / Exptime.

  • Object Area is the area of the circular or elliptical object aperture.

Here are some addition remarks about the quantities listed above:

  • The Net Count is simply the total count inside the object aperture minus the background value inside the object aperture. Since the background value inside the object aperture cannot be determined, it must be estimated from pixels nearby.

  • The Total Object Aperture Count is the sum of all pixel values inside the object aperture, i.e., the sum of the object signal inside the object aperture plus the background signal inside the object aperture. Mira determines the background from pixels inside a concentric annulus formed by two rings located beyond the point where the star profile merges into the background noise. This is listed in the photometry output (measurement table or text editor) in the column labeled Ap Sum. This value may be used to manually calculate the magnitude using an alternative nearby background value, such as when the background annulus contains a very bright star.

  • The Average Background Count is listed in the photometry output in the column labeled Backgr. It is in units of counts.

  • The Object Area is calculated as described near the end of this topic.

The camera gain ("Gain") and exposure time ("Exptime") are obtained from the FITS keywords GAIN and EXPTIME. The Total Count,Net Count, and Background Count are measured in raw pixel value units (often called DN or ADUs"). The Net Flux therefore represents the total number of electrons per second attributable to the object, above the sky.

To compute the Flux, the image signal is summed over all pixels inside all whole and partial pixels inside the innermost "object" aperture (see below). From this sum is subtracted the estimated sky count computed from pixels in the annulus between the 2 outer apertures. If the GAIN and EXPTIME keywords are not present in the image header, or they are wrong, you can add them or edit them using the Image Information page of the Aperture Photometry Properties dialog. Also see the topic Fixing Header Problems in Photometric Data. You can also change the names used for fetching the GAIN, EXPTIME, and RDNOISE values using the Photometry Keywords dialog.

The value K is the photometric zero point. The zero point is assumed to be 0 or the value of the ZERO-PT keyword in the image header. If the value is 0, then the magnitude may be called a "raw magnitude". If a zero point value is computed for a particular instrumental setup and used in the calculation, the result is called "instrumental magnitude". If the zero point value, K, is unknown, it may be calculated using standard stars of known magnitude.

Magnitude Errors

The uncertainty of the magnitude measurement is calculated in two ways: an empirical error, listed in the Report Window as Error, and a theoretical value listed asError(T) . The reported values may or may not include the uncertainty in the photometric zero point, which is calculated when more than 1 standard star is used. This option is controlled by theInclude Zero Point Error check box on the Other Properties page. If checked, the reported error is the Root Sum Square ("RSS") value of the internal error of the measurement and the error of the mean of the zero point. The latter value is reported in the Photometry Measurements.

The empirical error involves the noise measured in the sky annulus as well as the values of GAIN, RDNOISE, and EXPTIME from the image header. The theoretical error uses the keywords but not the measured sky noise. The theoretical error estimate is the minimum possible uncertainty that could be measured at a given magnitude. You can change the values of GAIN, EXPTIME, and RDNOISE on the Image Information page. Doing so will change the error values by a small amount.

Description of the Apertures

The aperture photometry procedure uses 3 apertures to measure an object:

  • The central aperture measures the total signal for the object. It does not have to enclose 100% of the signal from the object, provided that all objects in the image are measured using the object same aperture shape and size. The total count inside the object aperture is listed as the Ap Sum quantity in the photometry output (measurements table or text editor).

  • The outer 2 apertures form a concentric ring, or annulus where the local sky (background) is measured. This is subtracted from the total signal inside the object aperture to produce theNet Count listed in the photometry output (measurements table or text editor).

  • In general, the object background does not have to be measured inside an annulus. The general rule is that the optimum background value is the value at the coordinates of the object centroid. In cases where the annulus would contain a bright star, you may wish to manually calculate the background near the object and use that to obtain the net count from the Ap Sum value. In this case, the following equation gives the net count from an alternate background value:


Diagram of a "measuring aperture" formed by an object aperture and a sky sampling region between two outer apertures.

The inner sky aperture should begin beyond the light in the star profile. However, the sky measuring ring should not be placed so far that it includes many other stars or that it samples sky that is not the same as that underneath the object.

The inner, object measuring aperture can be adjusted to any radius but, generally, it should not extend all the way to the point where the star appears to merge into the sky noise as this will lower the signal- to-noise ratio ("SNR") of the calculated magnitude. Use the following guidelines to determine a reasonable size for the object aperture:

  • The fraction of the object's total signal measured by the object aperture must not change from one object to another. This is accomplished by using apertures of the same radius, ellipticity, and orientation for every object on all images being measured together.

Note that the object aperture may be allowed to cut onto the wings of the star profile. You can be totally safe by making the object aperture large enough to contain "all the light", but this adds more sky noise, which lowers the precision of the measurement and makes the magnitude errors larger. On the other hand, if the star profile varies over the region being measured, you might use an object aperture large enough to hold all the light for bright objects, or as the only option for measuring the field of view.

The aperture photometry procedure uses 3 apertures to measure the object. The central aperture measures the total signal for the object while the local background is measure in the annulus between the outer two apertures. The apertures may be circular or elliptical, with any ellipticity and angle of rotation, but all three apertures have the same shape and are concentric. Elliptical apertures are used to measure objects when the Point Spread Function ("PSF") is elongated by poor tracking or other reasons. Matching the ellipse to the PSF shape gives a better measurement by maximizing the signal through the aperture of a given area, which in turn maximizes the signal to noise ratio.

Small Apertures

The general placement of a measuring aperture on the pixel grid is shown below. In general, the object aperture, whether elliptical or circular, or at whatever angle, will have partially sampled pixels along its rim. For small apertures, a good measurement depends upon correctly accounting for the partial pixel coverage. Mira properly accounts for this case using a mathematically complex, but exact partial pixel algorithm—the only one of its kind.

Enlarged view of the object aperture. The star's light profile is assumed to extend outside the picture. so the aperture does not contain all the light from the star. Many pixels fall along the rim and are only partially measured by the aperture.

Yellow: Fully sampled pixels.

Blue: Partially sampled pixels.

The Ellipticity parameter is defined in terms of the axis ratio of the ellipse: for semimajor axis a and semiminor axis b. The Ellipticity, e, is given by

  •      Ellipticity e = 1 - b/a.

A circle has an ellipticity of 0. The major axis orientation and the Radius are adjustable using the Aperture Tool window. The orientation angle of the semimajor axis is only used to determine how pixels are added to the count sums. The ellipse properties that are independent of angle are related to its size and ellipticity as follows:

  • a = Semimajor axis.

  • b = Semiminor axis.

  • Radius r = square root( a * b ).

  • Ellipticity e = 1 - b/a

  • Area A = pi * r2 (1 - e).

All 3 apertures use the same radius, ellipticity, and orientation for every measurement. If measuring an image set, Mira uses the same properties for all images.

Calculating the Magnitude using an Alternative Background

When the background cannot be reliably determined from pixels inside the background annulus, the Ap Sum value from the photometry output may be used to calculate the magnitude. This procedure might be implemented when the normal background annulus contains another object or a region of bad pixels that cannot be rejected by the built-in background method.

Before giving a procedure, let's look at how Mira computes the Net Flux as described at the beginning of this topic. The following equation uses the photometry output quantitiesAp Sum and Backgr . In addition, the object area is calculated using the equation for Area A in the previous section. Remember that Mira computes the value of Backgr using pixels inside the background annulus:

  • Net Count = Ap Sum - (Backgr * Object Area)

This calculation is made internally using the Object Area based on the aperture properties specified in the Aperture Tool window. The Ap Sum and Backgr are computed by Mira and listed in the photometry output. The GAIN andEXPTIME keyword values are applied to the Net Count to calculate theNet Flux and thence the magnitude ("Mag") listed in the photometry output.

Calculating the magnitude using an alternative background requires calculating two quantities:

  1. The background value estimated by some means and evaluated at the centroid of the object;

  2. The aperture area as calculated using the Area equation above.

The alternative background can be estimated in numerous ways. The background value may be estimated at the Image Cursor location using the method described in the Statistics Measurements topic. The estimator is chosen or configured using the Statistics Properties dialog. Since the optimal background is evaluated at the position of the object, obtaining the background value may involve averaging estimators obtained symmetrically on opposite sides of the object. Let the value Alt Bg be the alternative background value calculated in some way. Then the following equation gives the Net Count:

  • Net Count = Ap Sum - (Alt Bg * pi * r2 (1 - e)).

The Net Flux and Magnitude may then be calculated from the Net Count. This can be calculated by hand, a spreadsheet, or a Mira script.

Using a Script to Implement an Alternative Background

A Mira script may be implemented to automate the process of utilizing an alternative background. The script would be called from the photometry measurements grid. Here is an outline for creating such a script:

  • Read the Ap Sum column from the measurements table to get the total count inside the object aperture

  • Compute the background, Alt Bg, from pixels in one or more background regions nearby or surrounding the target object:

    • Compute statistical estimator(s) for the region(s) using the CStats class

    • Compute a least-squares fit to the region(s) using the CLsqFit class.

  • Evaluate the background at the location of the object. This gives the value Alt Bg.

  • Calculate the aperture area using the equation above with aperture properties from the photometry configuration.

  • Apply the equations above to calculate the Net Flux and Magnitude

  • Photometric errors may be calculated as in Photometric Error Definitions.

Related Topics

Aperture Photometry

Photometric Measurement Definitions

Photometric Error Definitions

Mira Pro x64 8.71 User's Guide, Copyright Ⓒ 2024 Mirametrics, Inc. All Rights Reserved.