Create Synthetic Image
The Create Synthetic Image command creates
realistic images containing noise and optionally, stars. These
images are essential for evaluating processing and measurement
algorithms and exploring the effects of noise and noise propagation
through calibration strategies.
The noise model used for creating the synthetic
image includes all forms of noise. Optionally, a realistic
distribution of randomly placed stars may be added with a Moffat or
Gaussian point spread function ("PSF"). All Properties are
specified in commonly used units of electrons (e-) and DN (or
Create Synthetic Image Properties
Profile [|>]
Selects a parameter collection for display in the
The number of columns in the new image.
The number of rows in the new image.
Pixel Type
Select the pixel type of the new image.
The electronic gain of the camera system, in units
of electrons per number (also called e/ADU).
Read Noise
The camera readout noise in units of
The background value of the image. This is
specified in units of DN (digital numbers). The DN value is related
to the number of electrons using the Gain.
Base Noise
The base level of noise measured in units of
electrons. This is a supplemental, additive noise term that is
usually set to 0. The camera readout
noise is entered as a separate parameter.
The number of stars to create. A consequence of
the stellar luminosity function is that most stars will be very
PSF Model
Selects the mathematical model used for the Point
Spread Function. The choices are Moffat or Gaussian.
Opens the Moffat Profile Properties dialog
for setting the Moffat beta value. This is an advanced feature. The
default value of 4 is usually a reasonable choice for creating
synthetic stars.
The Full Width at Half Maximum ("FWHM")
brightness, measured in units of pixels. Note: This describes a
diameter, not a radius.
Peak Signal
The maximum signal used for creating stars. In
combination with the Pixel Type and
Value Properties, it is possible to
set this value such that the brightest stars may be saturated above
the counting limit of the pixel type. For example, using Pixel Type
= "16 bit unsigned", Value=10000, and Peak Signal = 65000 will
allow the brightest star to peak around 75000 DN, which is above
the 65535 DN limit of 16-bit data.
Number of images
This specifies the number of independent images to
create using the parameter set. If more than 1, the Open as Image Set check box appears.
Specifies the output location for listing the
properties of the synthetic stars that are created. The options are
None (no data are listed), a Mira Text Editor window,
and a Mira Report window. Saving the results to a Report
window provides added benefits, including the ability to perform
analyses on the grid data and to send the image cursor to any star
location to identify it on the image (see below).
Open as Image Set
If Number of images
> 1, this specifies whether the images are opened in separate
windows or as an image set in a single window.
Click this button to run the synthetic image
profile to create the new image or image set. Note that this does
not save the profile changes, which must be done using the
Save or Save
As command in the Profile menu.
Theoretical Basis
Schematically, the image value at any pixel
location is given as follows:
Image value = (Background
Value + PSF + Noise) / Gain.
where the Noise value is a Gaussian random value and may
be positive or negative relative to the Background Value.
The PSF is the sum of all overlapping
Point Spread Functions at the given pixel location. All quantities
use fundamental units of electrons (or photons) which are converted
to pixel value in units of DN (Digital numbers, or ADU) as would be
recorded in an image. As per convention in the field of scientific
imaging, some Properties are entered using fundamental units while
others are entered using ADU (or DN) units; the units are indicated
on the Create Synthetic Image dialog.
The Noise value above is computed from all sources
of which all are assumed to be uncorrelated. The noise can be
described as follows:
Noise squared = Sum of Squares
of (Background Noise, PSF Shot Noise, Base Noise, Readout Noise,
Digitization Noise)
Notice that some of the noise terms are a function
of the signal while others are constant. Of those that depend on
the signal, Background noise is the "shot
noise" of the background signal and PSF shot
noise is the photon noise for all PSF's that overlap a given
pixel location. All noise sources are computed in fundamental units
of electrons (or, equivalently, photons).
Example and Analysis of the Synthetic Data
The following example illustrates the process of
creating and analyzing a synthetic star field. The image below
shows a portion of the synthetic image produced using the
Properties shown in the dialog above. This example created 10,000
artificial stars, most of which are faint because of the stellar
luminosity function.
Data for the 10,000 artificial stars were listed in
the Report window shown below. The listed intensity is not
the peak value but, rather, gives the total volume under the Point
Spread Function ("PSF"). This intensity is the target value for
which the PSF was created, and hence it is a "pre noise" value. The
actual intensity measured for any artificial star will differ
because of random noise sources included in the model.
The Report window includes a pop-up menu which is
opened by right-clicking the mouse, as shown below. After selecting
(highlighting) the target star, the Go to
Object command was clicked to center the image cursor on
star 9889 as shown in the Report (note: this is different from the
Go to Object command in the Coordinates menu). The centered star is shown in
the image window below.
In the next picture, the
Create Plot from Grid command was selected from
the menu. If the positions of the artificial stars are random, then
there should be no correlation between x and y coordinates. To
investigate this, the scatter plot below was created from the
tabular star data. After the plot was created, the
Plot Series Pane command was used to change the
default squares to smaller dots:
The following window shows a
radial profile plot for one a medium-bright
artificial stars. The calculated FWHM is 2.519, identical within
the noise to the target FWHM value of 2.5. Remember that noise in
the synthetic image results in measured quantities scattering about
their known target value.
Another test shows the
histogram of a region of "sky" background. The image
region outlined below was sampled to produce the histogram plot
As shown below, the longer positive tail in the
histogram results from the many, extremely faint stars present
inside the sampling rectangle. Note that the sky histogram shows a
Gaussian distribution because of the Gaussian random noise in the
model and is centered on 1000 as specified in the parameter
Related Topics
Image Math Commands
Combine Image Set
Image Set
Mira Pro x64 8.71 User's Guide, Copyright Ⓒ 2024 Mirametrics, Inc.
All Rights Reserved.