Tutorial: Introduction to File Event
File Event Scripting is a powerful feature used for
running real time, script-driven processing of data files. One
common application is for processing, analyzing, or measuring
images in real time as their files are saved into a folder. This
tutorial shows how to use the File Event Scripting facility
to monitor a star across successive image to measure changes in
The discussion below uses 3 sample scripts included
with Mira Pro x64:
File Watcher -
File Watcher -
These scripts are installed in the Scripts\Samples folder (see
Mira's Special Folders). You
also can open them by using the File > Open method or by
using the
Script Manager. As described in the
File Event Scripting command topic, these scripts are
used in the following order: to initialize the process, perform
repeated real-time processing, and to finalize or "clean up" the
task at the end. This tutorial starts by showing how to configure
the event processing, then discusses the scripts themselves. Near
the end of the script, you will run the event processing loop and
drag image files into the target folder to see the event processing
in action. To understand the code in the scripts, you may wish to
open the
Mira Pro x64 Script User's Guide as a
companion to this tutorial. (
Web version)
Creating Working Folders
First create a new "working" folder in a separate
location from where the sample scripts are installed. Then copy the
3 scripts named above into the working folder. In this example, we
assume the new folder is on the default drive, the C: drive. Go to the C: drive and create the following folder:
C:\Scripts. Now create a folder where
image files will be stored. This folder should be named
NOTE: Usually, it is a better strategy to use a
different drive for storing the script and images, such as
H:, instead of the default
C: drive.
Configuring the Procedure
Open the File Event Scripting dialog by
clicking the button on the
main toolbar. The dialog contains 4 text fields where file names
will be stored. Each text field has a [...] button at its right end which opens a
standard File Open dialog for choosing the file to load into
the text field. Using these [...]
buttons, select the folder and script files as shown below. Also
make sure the Initial Script and
Final Script boxes are checked so
these scripts will be executed.
The dialog has 3 buttons named Text which are used to set text values that will
be sent to each script before it is executed. This allows you to
specify parameter that are retrieved by the script. In this
example, the Initial Script properties give the starting
(column,row) coordinates of the star being monitored, plus
information used by the aperture photometry calculations. Click the
Text button for the Initial Script and enter all the values shown
The properties in this window specify the
properties described in the table below. In other applications,
your actual properties would depend on what type of information you
need to pass to the script.
Initial Script Text Properties
Column coordinate, in pixels.
Row coordinate, in pixels.
Inner measuring aperture radius, in pixels.
Inner sky sampling radius, in pixels.
Outer measuring aperture radius, in pixels.
Aperture background calculation mode (0 =
Centroid calculation radius, in pixels.
Centroid tracking radius, in pixels.
Photometric zero point (used to get a positive
magnitude somewhere near the correct value).
This tutorial is based on the BL-CAM*.fts series of sample images provided with
Mira. The starting (column,row) position usually is determined from
a sample image acquired before the File Event Scripting process is
started. In this example, the target star is located at pixel
coordinates (296.454, 329.092) in the image BL-CAM.fts. The the main responsibility of the
Initial Script will be to store these properties in the Registry so
they can be loaded by the Event Script each time it runs on an
image. This is discussed below.
Selecting Events to Process
Next we need to configure the event processing. The
Options button opens the Event
Handling Options dialog where you select the type of file event
and setup an optional execution delay to wait between discovering
the file event and triggering the Event Script. In this example,
you want to trigger the Event Script when a file is saved into the
watched folder ("File Added") and you will use a 100 millisecond
delay. Click Options and configure
the dialog as shown below.
In this example, no text properties are used by the
Event Script or Final Script, so those text boxes can be empty. In
this case, the Event and Final scripts do not access any text
properties so it doesn't actually matter if there are values in
those particular text boxes.
Saving the Configuration
Finally, after setting up the configuration, you
should save it so a profile so that you can he entire configuration
later from among other saved profiles. To save the configuration,
enter a name into the
Profile Control at the top of the dialog, then
click the profile button and select Save as shown below. Here we give the profile the
name "Star Monitor".
At this point we have a fully configured procedure.
Now let's examine how the 3 scripts are used to do event
The Initial Script
The Initial Script performs any necessary
configuration at the beginning of the folder watching process. This
script is called only once, usually in order to initialize
variables used by the Event Script. The "File Watcher - init.lua" script is listed below. The script comments
generally explain what the script does. It's main purpose is to
load the text properties passed from the Initial Script Text dialog, then parse them into
values that are stored in the Registry for use by the Event
Here is an overview of how the Initial
Script works: The GetScriptString() function fetches the
properties passed to the script in a data string, the StrTok() function converts that string to
individual strings and stores them in an indexed table, then
CRegistry class methods are used to
store each of the individual strings to a named registry entry.
str = StrTok(
GetScriptString() )
iftable.getn(str) <
9 thenExit(
"Not enough parameter strings sent to
Initial Script\n") end
Reg =
str[6] )
Below, there will be an option to use Version 2 of
the Event Script to plot the results. Therefore it is absolutely
critical that you include the line shown in the listing above:
Reg:SetWnd( , nil ). The Version 2 script will not work if
the plot window is not initialized.
The bottom 6 lines of the Initial Script show a
block of commented-out code bounded by --[[ and --]] ( Lua syntax
for a block comment). This code lists all the parameter values sent
to the script. If you want to test that the script unpacked the
correct values sent from the Initial Script Text window (see
above), remove --[[ and --]] to enable the code.
Looking forward to the first recorded event, the
Event Script will start by calling saved parameter values
from the Registry, then makes its computations and show results. As
part of its processing, the script updates the star coordinates and
saves them back to the Registry for use when it runs again on the
next event. This updating allows small changes in the star position
to be tracked from one image to the next.
The Event Script
The Event Script is executed when triggered by a
file event. The "File Watcher.lua" script listed below makes an
aperture photometry measurement on a star each time an image file
is stored in the watched folder to trigger a "File Added" event, as
selected in the Options dialog. This script loads parameter values
from the Registry in order to make the measurement. When the
processing is completed, the script stored updated values back to
the Registry for use on the next image that triggers a File Added
event. This technique is used to allows the coordinates to track
motion of the target star between images. Two alternative scripts
are provided: The first version lists the magnitude values in a
Mira text editor. The second version graphs the magnitude versus
Julian Date.
Version 1:
str = StrTok( GetScriptString() )
if str[2] ~=
"Added" then Exit() end
strImageFileName = str[1]
I = new_image()
if I:Open(
strImageFileName ) == false then
sErrMsg = Sprintf(
"Cannot open '%s' as an
image.\n", strImageFileName )
Exit( sErrMsg
P = new_plotview()
A = new_apphot()
C = new_centroid()
A:GetImageParams( I )
Reg = new_registry("Real-time-phot")
x = Reg:GetNum( "CoordX", 1 )
y = Reg:GetNum( "CoordY", 1 )
C:SetSample( Reg:GetNum( "CentRadiusX", 5 ), Reg:GetNum( "CentRadiusY", 5 ) )
A.nRadius1 = Reg:GetNum( "Ap1", 5 )
A.nRadius2 = Reg:GetNum( "Ap2", 10 )
A.nRadius3 = Reg:GetNum( "Ap3", 15 )
A:SetBgMethod( Reg:GetStr( "ApBg", "mode" ) )
nZeroPt = Reg:GetNum( "ApZP", 22 )
bSuccess = C:Calc( I, x, y )
if bSuccess == false
sErrMsg =
Sprintf("Centroid Error processing '%s',
returned X=%lg Y=%lg.\nSkip this image?\n", I:Path(30), C.x,
C.y )
bExit = GetYesNo(
sErrMsg )
if bExit == true then Exit() end
A:Measure( I, C.x, C.y )
Printf( "%-30.30s\tMag =
%lg +/- %lg, BG = %lg (sdev=%lg), SNR = %lg\n", I:Path(30),
A.nMag+nZeroPt, A.nMagErr, A.nBgValue, A.nBgValueErr, A.nSnRatio
Reg:SetNum( "CoordX", C.x )
Reg:SetNum( "CoordY", C.y )
The first version of the Event Script saves the
results to a text window — which may be completely sufficient for a
simple application. It can be enhanced by graphing the Magnitude
versus Julian Date ("JD") using information in the image header to
calculate the JD. Here is a second, more complex version of the
Event Script:
Version 2:
str = StrTok( GetScriptString() )
if str[2] ~=
"Added" then Exit() end
strImageFileName = str[1]
I = new_image()
if I:Open(
strImageFileName ) == false then
sErrMsg = Sprintf(
"Cannot open '%s' as an
image.\n", strImageFileName )
Exit( sErrMsg
function FracJD(
if I == nil or I.class ~= "CImage" then return 1 end
local JD = CalcJD( I:DateStr(), I:TimeStr() )
return JD - math.floor(JD)
A = new_apphot()
C = new_centroid()
A:GetImageParams( I )
Reg = new_registry("Real-time-phot")
nCount = Reg:GetNum( "Count", 0 )
nCount = nCount + 1
cx = Reg:GetNum( "CoordX", 1 )
cy = Reg:GetNum( "CoordY", 1 )
C:SetSample( Reg:GetNum( "CentRadiusX", 5 ), Reg:GetNum( "CentRadiusY", 5 ) )
C:SetTracking( Reg:GetNum( "CentTrackingX", 2*5 ), Reg:GetNum(
"CentTrackingY", 2*5 )
A.nRadius1 = Reg:GetNum( "Ap1", 5 )
A.nRadius2 = Reg:GetNum( "Ap2", 10 )
A.nRadius3 = Reg:GetNum( "Ap3", 15 )
A:SetBgMethod( Reg:GetStr( "ApBg", "mode" ) )
nZeroPt = Reg:GetNum( "ApZP", 22 )
bSuccess = C:Calc( I, cx, cy )
if bSuccess ==
false then
sErrMsg =
Sprintf("Centroid Error while processing
'%s', returned X=%lg Y=%lg.\nSkip this image?\n",
I:Path(30), C.x, C.y )
bExit = GetYesNo(
sErrMsg )
if bExit == true
then Exit() end
A:Measure( I, C.x, C.y )
x = FracJD( I )
y = A.nMag + nZeroPt
ye = A.nMagErr
P = new_plotview()
Wnd = Reg:GetWnd( "PlotWindow" )
P:SetWnd( Wnd )
P:Add( x, y, ye )
if Wnd ==
nil then
"Julian Date", "Magnitude", "Light Curve", "Monitor" )
Reg:SetNum( "CoordX", C.x )
Reg:SetNum( "CoordY", C.y )
Reg:SetNum( "Count",
nCount )
Reg:SetWnd( "PlotWindow", P:GetWnd() )
At the end of the "Version 2" Event Script above,
be absolutely sure to save the handle of the plot window to the
Registry, as in the following line: Reg:SetWnd( "PlotWindow", P:GetWnd() ).
The Final Script
The Final Script is executed when event
monitoring is terminated. It's purpose is to finalize the
processing, which may include things like updating the Registry for
the next time you run the same profile. The "File Watcher - final.lua" script is shown below.
In this example, it is used to update the status in the Registry,
stating that the script completed normally and setting the handle
of the plot window to "nil" so that a new plot window will be
created next time this profile is run.
Reg = new_registry("Real-time-phot")
Reg:SetStr( "Status", "completed" )
Reg:SetWnd( "PlotWindow", nil )
Executing the Event Processing Loop
To test the script, you will drop a series of
images into the C:\Images folder (on
whatever disk drive you selected, instead of C:). To do this you need to open 2 instances of
Windows Explorer. Then do the following:
In the first instance of Windows Explorer, open
the folder where your Mira sample images are installed.
In the second instance of Windows Explorer, open
the watched folder, here C:\Images.
In Mira, click the Start button on the File
Event Scripting dialog. This executes the Initial Script
using the properties specified in the Initial Script Text
NOTE: If you hear a "ding" immediately after
clicking [Start], the script aborted.
Usually this means that the Initial Script is invalid, failed, or
could not be located. It also could mean that the watched folder
does not exist. An error message is describes the problem.
At this point, the "Star Monitor" profile is
multitasking, running as a separate thread to allow you to use
other Mira capabilities while file events are triggered and
handled. The process currently is waiting to receive a file event.
So, the next step is to create a file event!
Creating File Events
In the first instance of Windows
Explorer, mouse-down on the file named BL-CAM.fts, drag it to the second instance of
Windows Explorer, and drop it into the C:\Images folder. This creates a file event,
which calls the Event Script.
Repeat step 1 for each one of the BL-CAM*.fts images. There are 5 such images
provided in the Mira Sample Images folder. It is important that you
use each image in the order implied by its file name, starting with
BL-CAM.fts and ending with
BL-CAM-5.fts, as this is the time
order in which the images were acquired.
Each time you drop a file into the C:\Images folder, a message is listed in the
File Events text area of the File
Event Scripting dialog. The message lists the time the event
occurred, the event, and the name of the file that caused the event
to fire:

Note that the text listed in the File Events box can be copied and pasted into a
Mira Text Editor or other software (editor,
spreadsheet, etc) that accepts text. You can select either a block
of text or the entire contents. To copy the entire contents,
right-click inside the File Events
box and choose Select All from the
menu. Then right-click to re-open the menu and select Copy to save the text to the Windows Clipboard.
Open the target editor and paste the clipboard text into it.
In this example, you are using "Version 1" of the
Event Script, so results are listed in a
Mira Text Editor. From there, the results can be
copied, printed, etc. In the picture below, "Mag" refers to the
magnitude estimate, "BG" is the background value estimated under
the star, and "SNR" is the Signal-to-Noise Ratio for the star. The
information listed and its formatting is controlled by code in the
Event Script.
The "Version 2" Event Script plots the data instead
of listing it in a text window. If you repeat this exercise using
the "Version 2" script rather than "Version 1", you will get the
result shown below. Before switching to the "Version 2" script, be
sure to drag the images back to their original folder C:\Scripts so you can then again drop them into
the watched folder.
Finishing Up
When you have finished dragging and dropping the
sample images into the C:\Images
folder, click Stop on the File
Event Scripting dialog. This calls the Final Script and
terminates the process normally.
Related Topics
File Event Scripting
Aperture photometry
Image Windows
Plot Windows
Mira Pro x64 8.67 User's Guide, Copyright Ⓒ 2023 Mirametrics, Inc.
All Rights Reserved.