Export Image
as Text
The Export Image as Text command saves the
image from Mira to a text format (.txt) file. The text file will
contain "fields" that are values isolated by white space (spaces,
tabs, or new lines). This is the complementary command for the
Import Text Image command, and the Properties set the values in the
text file.
Export Image as Text Properties
Profile [|>]
Selects the parameter profile for this command and
allows you to save or work with existing presets.
File Name
The file that will contain the text format image.
Click the [...] button on the right
side of the control to choose a file name and target folder.
Save Column Dimension
If checked, the number of columns is saved to the
Save Row Dimension
If checked, the number of rows is saved to the
Save Description
If checked, a description is saved. There are two
forms of description, as specified in the next two Properties:
OBJECT Keyword: Specifies that the OBJECT keyword in the image header is to be saved
to the text file. The content of the Description text field is ignored.
Text description: Specifies that the contents of the Description
field is to be saved to the
(Description text field)
If the Description
box is checked, the contents of this text field are saved to the
Enclose strings in
If checked, string value (the description) are
written to the text file enclosed by "" characters.
Pixel Representation
Specifies the format of the field written to the
file. Several options are available. The importing software will
need to know how to interpret the file contents based on this
Comments on Exporting Text Images
The check boxes in the Image
Properties to Save group allow flexibility in which image
properties are saved to the file. For example, you may save the
column and row dimensions as fields at the beginning of the text
file, or you may not save anything to the file other than the pixel
values themselves. The Pixel Representation also offers flexibility
in terms of how the pixel values are saved. You may save only the
values themselves, or you may save coordinate information, such as
column or row position, along with each pixel value.
Related Topics
Import Text Image
Export Image as Binary
Mira Pro x64 8.67 User's Guide, Copyright Ⓒ 2023 Mirametrics, Inc.
All Rights Reserved.