Comparison of Plot Coordinate Systems
The figures below compare identical Row Profile
plots using the systems of Pixel Coordinates and World Coordinates
for the same image data.
You can change the x and y axis labels, the caption,
axis extent, and other properties afterwards using the
Plot Properties dialog.
The first figure below shows the Row Profile plot
in the Pixel Coordinate System. The x axis measures position as a
column number on the image. The plot caption "Row [472:572, 516]"
indicates that the plot data are from columns 472 through 572 (101
total columns) in row 516.
This figure below shows the same image data plotted
in the World Coordinate System. The plot caption lists the
column,row span like above but also lists the world coordinates
(right ascension, declination) at the middle of the data. This is X
Position = 0 on the horizontal axis. The row data are plotted
relative to this point in units of arcseconds.
Related Topics
Plot Windows
Plot Coordinate Systems
World Coordinate System
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