Go To Object
The Go to Object command sends the image
cursor to the world coordinates specified in the OBJECTRA and OBJCTDEC
keywords of the FITS image header. If the keywords exist, the
image cursor is moved to the target world coordinates
and the image is automatically centered and magnified 4x. This
function is active only if the top-most image has a
World Coordinate System calibration and both
The picture below shows an image of the variable
star ER Oph. The telescope control software stored the target
coordinates in the OBJECTRA and
OBJCTDEC keywords and created a plate
solution, or
World Coordinate System calibration. The first
picture shows the image centered as opened.
The picture below shows the image after using the
Go To Object command. Notice that the
image cursor is centered on the target object and
that the image has been magnified 4x:
Related Topics
Go to Coordinates
Image Cursor
Image Coordinate System
World Coordinate System
Mira Pro x64 8.67 User's Guide, Copyright Ⓒ 2023 Mirametrics, Inc.
All Rights Reserved.