Radial Profile
The Radial Profile Plot shows the intensity
of all pixels surrounding a point. Mira calculates the Full Width
at Half Maximum ("FWHM") by fitting a PSF + Constant model to the
point data. The PSF (Point Spread Function) model may be selected
as a Moffat or Gaussian function using the
[Advanced] button in the
Radial Profile Properties. Properties that
control the fit and calculations are set using the
Radial Profile Properties dialogs. Fit results
are listed in the
Main Message Pane of Mira's main window. The title
bar of the radial profile plot window consists of the image title
and a [Rad] suffix referring to the
[Rad]ial profile plot.
Move the center of the
Image Cursor to the center of the point source. If
using the Auto Centroid option in the
Radial Profile Properties, you need only to
move the
Image Cursor to within 1 to a few pixels of the true
center. If the
Image Window is not in "Cursor" mode, you can jump
the cursor to the target position by holding down [Shift] while clicking on the target.
Use the Plot > Radial
Profile menu command or click the button. This command is also operated using the 'r' (or
keystroke command when the mouse pointer is hovering
over the target
Image Window. Remember that the mouse position has no
effect on the object measured because the measurement uses the
coordinates of the
Image Cursor.
The radial profile plot below includes features in
the new
Plot Bar released in Mira version 8.62. The X and Y
fields refer to the (x,y) data coordinates of the roaming mouse
pointer inside the plot window. To the right, the two fields show
world coordinates and pixel value referred back to the image. These
image coordinates do not change as the plot pointer is roamed
around the window because they refer to the centroid position and
pixel value of the point source, both of which are constant in the
source image.
Comparison of Bright and Faint Sources
The two examples below compare the FWHM measured on
a bright point source and faint point source in the same image.
Notice that these plots were made using an older version of Mira
that provides a less capable
Plot Bar than shown in the figure above;
however, the radial profile functionality is the same. The first
plot uses a bright source, and the FWHM is determined with high
The plot below was made from an extremely weak
source. The FWHM is calculated to be larger than for the bright
source, reflecting far greater uncertainties in the fit parameters
in the presence of extreme noise. Notice that the star profile
contributes only a small bump to the background noise.
Specifying Radial Profile Fitting Properties
The fitting properties are configured using the
Radial Profile Properties dialog.Advanced
properties such as the PSF model are set in the
PSF Fit Properties dialog opened from the
[Advanced...] button.
If the source image has a
WCS calibration, the Radial Profile can be
plotted with radius in pixel units, linear distance units, or
angular units on the horizontal axis. Otherwise the plot is made
using pixels as the unit of radius.
After computing the FWHM value, Mira saves the
value in pixel units into the image header using the PSF-FWHM keyword. If the image has a WCS
calibration, the FWHM is saved in world coordinate units using the
WCS-FWHM keyword.
Related Topics
Plotting commands
Plot Properties
Plot Coordinate Systems
Plot Properties
FWHM Properties
FWHM Measurement
Mira Pro x64 8.67 User's Guide, Copyright Ⓒ 2023 Mirametrics, Inc.
All Rights Reserved.