Reset menu
These commands reset or restore settings that
control the fitting process.
Entire Fit
Resets everything: curves, deleted and weighted
points, etc.
Delete Points
Restores all deleted points to usable status.
Rejected Points
Restores all points excluded by sigma
Weighted Points
Resets all weights points to a weight of 1.0.
Delete All Regions
Deletes all marked regions of interest.
Forced Coefficients
Removes the coefficient forcing flag for all
coefficients. Afterwards, all coefficients are fit.
List Results menu
These commands list information in the
Main Message Pane.
Fit Results
Lists the results of the most recent fit.
Coef Errors
Lists the coefficient errors, or standard
deviations "s" from the Covariance
Matrix resulting from the fit. This listing shows the fit errors
along the main diagonal and the covariances off the main
Values are listed using the subscripts of their
matrix position. For example, s00 refers to the error of coefficient 0
whereas s02
refers to the covariance error between coefficients 0 and 2.
Data Points
Lists all data points used in the fit, along with
their status and residual from the fit.
Save Results
This command saves the fit results to a text file.
You can also save from the
Main Message Pane.
Verbose Mode
This command toggles between on and off. When
checked (on), the fit result is listed as it is calculated. If
unchecked (off), the fit is calculated but no output goes to the
Main Message Pane.
Mira Pro x64 8.67 User's Guide, Copyright Ⓒ 2023 Mirametrics, Inc.
All Rights Reserved.