Tutorial: Cleaning Artifacts from an Image
This tutorial shows how to use the
Clean Image Set command to remove non-reproducing
artifacts from an
image set. Here, the term "artifact" refers to random
events, such as cosmic rays and radioactive decay tracks, that are
detected at a given location in an individual image but do not
reproduce as persistent features in each of the images of the image
set. If the images are not registered to within 1 pixel before
using this command, you will need to
register them using one of several available methods.
If the images are astronomical and are tracked to within 1 pixel or
better, they are sufficiently well aligned to use this function
without registration.
The first step is to open the target images as an
Image Set so that they are all in the same
Image Window. Navigate to the folder containing the
sample images installed by Mira and open the Xanthippe*.fts set using the
File Open dialog as shown below:
In the Options list
box at the bottom of the Open dialog, notice the
Open as Image Set parameter. If this
is not visible click the down-arrow on the list box and check this
option to select it. Click [Open] to
open the images in a single window as shown below, The
Transfer Function settings are [Entire image,
99.5%, Gamma, Gamma=0.52].
Next, make sure the Image Window is on top so its
command menu is shown at the top of the Mira screen. From the menu,
choose Process > Calibration > Clean
Image Set. (Note: Since this algorithm needs to create a
statistical model from a sample of images, it does not work for a
single image. Therefore, if an image set is not displayed in the
current top-most window, the command is disabled.) The Clean
Image Set command opens as follows:
Set the Properties of the Clean Image Set
dialog exactly as shown above, then click [Process]. After a moment of processing, the
images will be updated in their window and appear as shown below.
Compare the picture below with the picture above to see the
improvement. Notice that the image set selection bar at the bottom
of the window is set to the same image (the last image) as shown
Before processing, the first image has a radiation
event about 1/5 the way inward from the lower left corner and it
falls upon a star. In the processed image, this artifact was
effectively repaired while preserving the star. Just this one
artifact would be laborious, if not impossible, to repair using a
single image where the comparison values are taken from nearby
Image 1 before cleaning:
Image 1 after cleaning:
Below is the pixel rejection map image produced
when the Display Rejection Map Image
check box is checked. The map Image contains a pixel value that is
the index of the image in which the event was detected. For
example, a value of 1 indicates a pixel rejected in image 1 of the
image set. Near the upper right of the image, notice the moving
blob which corresponds to the minor plant Xanthippe that was moving
during the acquisition of the image set. The trail has values
ranging from 1, at the lower right, to 9 at the upper left, which
corresponds to images 1 through 9 of the image set. This
illustrates the limitation of the method: it will detect the pixels
of a "significantly" variable object or transient object as an
"event" and reject it. How significant is "too significant" depends
upon the image properties and your particular application.
Rejection map Image:
Related Topics
Repairing Artifacts and Cosmetic Defects
Create Pixel Mask
Apply Pixel Mask
Apply Blemish Mask
Edit Pixel Mask
Edit Blemish Mask
Interactive Repair
Mira Pro x64 8.67 User's Guide, Copyright Ⓒ 2023 Mirametrics, Inc.
All Rights Reserved.