Plot Animation Bar
The Plot Animation Bar is a docking pane
that provides controls for switching between plot series displayed
in a
Plot Window. This works like the
Animation Bar in an
Image Window (see
Adding Series to a Line Profile Plot). In
addition, the Plot Animation Bar switched between
Overplot mode, which overlays all
plot buffers, and Animate mode, which
shows each separate plot series. The mode (Overlay or Animate) is
selected using either the two radio buttons at the left end of the
Plot Animation Bar, or using the Plot Series Mode option in
the Plot Context Menu. (see
Plot Windows). On the Plot Animation Bar, the
left-most radio button selects Overplot mode and disables the animation buttons.
To switch to Animate mode, open the
Animation Bar and select the right-most radio button.
This toolbar functions like the playback panel of
media player software, with capabilities for forward and backward
motion and other operations. The Plot Animation Bar is used
to animate through the plot series or to simply change the
currently active plot (i.e., the visible one on the top of
the "stack"). You can change display Properties during image
animation—for example to magnify or re-center the plot, or to move
the mouse cursor to view the plot coordinates during animation.
The Plot Animation Bar always opens along the
bottom border of a window. It is not visible if the window contains
only one plot. The trackbar on the right side of the toolbar uses
tick marks to indicate the number of plot series—up to a point,
after which only every n-th member is indicated). For
example, the toolbar pictured here shows that there are 4 plot
series in the window.
You can change the speed or frame step during
animation using the up/down arrows. However, if you type values
into these fields while animation is running, they will not take
effect until the next time you start animation..
Related Topics
Plot Windows
Animation Bar
Mira Pro x64 8.67 User's Guide, Copyright Ⓒ 2023 Mirametrics, Inc.
All Rights Reserved.