PSF Fit Properties
The PSF Fit Properties dialog is used to set
advanced properties for radial profile fitting and FWHM
calculation. The choice of fitting a Gaussian or Moffat profile to
the PWF is also made here. This dialog is opened from the
[Advanced] button on the
Radial Profile Properties and
FWHM Properties dialogs. This is also opened in the
FWHM Properties dialog of the
Extraction module.
Weight fit by Signal to Noise Ratio
Check this box to weight the solution by the
Signal to Noise Ratio of the pixel values. Checking the box usually
gives a better fit to the point source and unchecking the box
usually gives a better fit to the background.
Min iterations for fit convergence
Set the minimum number of iterations for computing
the fit. A value of around 200 to 400 usually works well.
Initial estimate for FWHM, in Pixels
Set the initial value for starting the profile
fitting. His should usually be within 50 to 100% of the actual
Radial Profile, as measured in [pixel] units.
PSF Model
Selects the mathematical model used for fitting
the Point Spread Function ("PSF") to the data. The choices are
Moffat or Gaussian. For the Moffat PSF, the beta parameter is
estimated by the FWHM calculation.
PSF Model 
Opens the Moffat Profile Properties dialog for
setting the Moffat beta value. The Moffat beta value is the
starting point for the calculation as it is a fit parameter. This
is an advanced feature.
Related Topics
Radial Profile Properties
Radial Profile Plot
FWHM Properties
FWHM Measurements
Setting Application Properties
Mira Pro x64 8.67 User's Guide, Copyright Ⓒ 2023 Mirametrics, Inc.
All Rights Reserved.