Transfer Function Popup Menus
Transfer Function settings can be changed from
popup windows similar to the way they are changed using the
Transfer Function Pane and
Function Properties dialog. One of the menus is shown below.
All of the properties in this menu tree are described under
Transfer Function Definition. All of the menu
commands may be set using the
horizontal or
vertical transfer function panes.
Some of the menu items require more information.
The menu items Specify %,
Specify Z, and Specify Gamma (not shown above) open the dialogs
shown below to request the required values.
Figure 1. Min Z and
Max Z are the minimum and maximum pixel
values for the transfer function. These values are determined
inside the transfer function sample region selected using the
Sample menu options.
Figure 2. Min % and
Max % are the minimum and maximum pixel
value percentages for the transfer function. To compute the
corresponding pixel values, the image histogram must first be
computed. These values are determined from the histogram inside the
transfer function sample region selected using the Sample menu options. The values 0 and 100
correspond to the Min Z and
Max Z values in Figure 1.
Figure 3. The gamma value shapes the transfer
function between the limits determined in Figure 1 or Figure 2. A
gamma value of 1.0 corresponds to a linear transfer function. A
value of gamma less than 1 enhances contrast in the histogram below
middle gray.
Related Topics
Transfer Functions
Choosing Transfer Function Properties
Transfer Function Pane
Function Properties
Mira Pro x64 8.67 User's Guide, Copyright Ⓒ 2023 Mirametrics, Inc.
All Rights Reserved.