Feature |
Pro UE (Legacy)
64-bit application runs only
on a 64-bit version of Windows. This increases software capabilities and
performance by exploiting the increased processing speed and expanded 64-bit memory space of a 64-bit operating system. |
32-bit application runs on both 32-bit
and 64-bit versions of Windows. Note: A 32-bit application cannot
access 64-bit
capabilities even when installed on a 64-bit operating system. |
Advanced User Interface components:
docking panes, drop button menus, tear-off menus, floating submenus,
and custom configuration. |
Direct topic help for windows, dialogs, panes, grids, and
toolbars |
High Performance Image Display |
Image Set support (1 to n images per window)
for most commands |
Image set management (add, delete, re-order) |
Open image sets (groups
of image files) |
Save image sets (save all, save to folder, save with suffix) |
Sort image set by properties (exposure, date, etc) |
Image Blinking and Animation, 1/10 to 50 frames per second. |
Image Toolbar: shows Magnified view, thumbnail view,
image set buttons, and image adjustment buttons. |
Dynamic palette manipulation |
Palette Color-bar Docking Pane (horizontal or vertical) |
Pseudo-color, grayscale, and RGB palettes |
Performance Transfer Function management |
Transfer Function Docking Pane (horizontal or vertical) |
Boost Transfer Function Enhancement |
cursor (separate from mouse pointer) |
16x to 1/16x in factors of 2, dynamic panning, mouse wheel |
Zoom 16x to 1/1024 (for huge images) in factors of 2, dynamic
panning, mouse wheel |
Print images, grayscale or color |
Print image to scale, size, or placement on page |
Print overlay grid, keyword text, and comments |
Copy image to Windows clipboard |
plotting of image data |
Configure plot scale, ticks, fonts, labels, colors, borders, and
direction |
Configure plot window colors and size |
WYSIWYG Printing of plots with preview |
Plot printing page placement, size, and scale |
Plot Series support |
Plot series blinking and animation |
Plot Single column and row intensity profile |
Plot Multiple column and row intensity profiles |
Averaged column and row intensity profile |
Mean, Median, and Sum plot averaging modes |
Standard Deviation plot averaging mode |
intensity profile along a drawn line |
Over-plot lines parallel to a drawn line |
Plot 1-D data in world coordinates or pixel coordinates |
Configure marker and line size, color, symbols |
Plot Bar docking pane with coordinate readout, world coordinates,
statistics, and other measurement tools. |
Plot data statistics, measure and draw on plot |
Plot line and point measurements |
Scatter plot of tabular data (all cells or specific cells or rows) |
Dynamic plot coordinate readout |
Plot zoom, expand, and pan |
Dynamic plot coordinate readout |
Live constrained x or y plot zoom and pan |
List measurements in tabular format |
Measure distance and angle |
Live coordinate measurement in pixel and world coordinates |
Measure centroid coordinates |
Measure image statistics inside a rectangular region |
Support for FITS World Coordinate System
("WCS") Standard |
Julian Date calculation (photometry: JD, HJD, MJD, MHJD) |
Angular (arcsecond) coordinate scale |
Delete world coordinate scale |
Draw text labels and markers on images |
Set label options (marker shapes, size, colors, font, placement) |
Display and edit FITS header (FITS format images) |
FITS Header Editor Docking Pane |
Display and edit image information (TIFF, and other image formats) |
Set Author & Copyright information (or equivalent) |
Immediate and batch mode selection of 1 or many images available in
the command dialog for most commands. Images can be selected from am
Image display window, files, lists, or
folder using selection criteria (e.g., naming patterns, keyword
values). |
Profile tool to manage parameter presets saved with a name; available in
most command dialogs. |
Image Arithmetic: add, subtract, multiply, divide, blend
(interpolate) |
Image Arithmetic: remainder, reverse division |
Crop image to image cursor bounds (interactive) |
Trim images using SECTION keyword in image header |
Modify or add keyword values and names to image headers |
Image Value Arithmetic: add, subtract, multiply, divide |
Image Value Arithmetic: divide into, blend (interpolate), remainder |
Image Operations: change sign, exponential, log 10 |
Image Operations: log e, absolute value, reciprocal |
Image Operations: byte swap, change data type, square root |
Rotate 90, 180, 270, or transpose image |
Rotate a specified angle about center or about a point. |
Mirror flip left/right, or up/down |
High precision image registration (alignment) |
Shift alignment |
Skew alignment (rotate, shift, scale x, scale y, non-perpendicular
axes) |
Extract color plane from RGB image |
Convert to grayscale or RGB image |
Merge channel images to make RGB image |
Merge channel images to make LRGB image |
De-speckle to remove color channel point noise |
Basic filters: Sharpen, De-speckle, Custom 3x3 kernel |
Image Combining with offset and scale normalization |
Image Combining: Mean, Median, Sum, Zero-masked mean |
Image Combining: Standard deviation, Range, MTM Mean |
Image Combining: Min/max clipped, Sigma clipped, Minimum Value,
Maximum Value |
Image Combining: MTM Sigma-weighted Mean, Keyword-weighted Mean,
Rank Statistic |
Basic Image Calibration (manually create & apply bias, dark, flat
frames) |
Native support for 8, 16, unsigned 16, and 32 bit integer data types |
Native support for 32 and 64 bit real data types |
Native support for 24 and 48 bit RGB data types |
Image format support: FITS, TIFF, BMP, JPEG |
Supports file opening plug-ins for alien formats |
Screen Capture utility |
1-Click align at point |
1-Click align on extended object (planet, comet head, etc.) |
Measure magnitudes using aperture photometry |
Unlimited measuring apertures, standard apertures, and sequential images |
Plot light curve for target stars, standards, and check stars. |
Prepare AAVSO report in extended format (single & ensemble) |
Single Object Photometry, Series Photometry, Ensemble Photometry |
Circular photometry apertures |
Elliptical photometry apertures |
Edit photometry data, print, save to file, copy to clipboard,
scatter plot |
Astrometric Calibration (plate solution), saved as WCS |
Add simple, low precision equatorial coordinate scale |
Interactive Pixel Repair |
Import photometry catalogs using (X, Y) coordinates |
Import photometry catalogs by (RA, Dec) coordinates |
Airmass Calculator (in addition to the photometry tool) |
View live table of pixel values |
Interactively edit pixel values in tabular format |
Pixel Table Docking Pane |
Image Set Toolbar for quick manipulation of the image collection |
and paste plots between windows |
List plot point data in tabular format |
Plot points at same coordinates in an image set |
and Paste images between windows |
Histogram Plotting |
Plot Bit Histograms for camera and image diagnostics |
Radial Profile Plot with Gaussian + Constant fit |
Plotting |
Surface, Illuminated, Wireframe, and Z-shaded plots |
3-D dynamic tilt and rotation (manual or automated) |
3-D Quad and triangular pixel facets |
3-D Z-axis scaling |
3-D dynamic palettes and pseudo-color |
Dynamic adjustable viewpoint, illumination, and attributes |
Contour plotting, 1 to 100 levels, auto or user specified |
Interactive Contour Plotting |
Read Noise Calculator for CCD images |
Gain Calculator for CCD images |
Linear coordinate scale (e.g., mm, microns, km, etc.) |
List world coordinate keywords from image header |
cursor "Go To" pixel or world coordinate, within an image or between
images. |
View HISTORY and COMMENT keywords |
Crop or trim image to specified (column, row) bounds |
Set pixel values directly
in the image |
Set region value with optional Gaussian random noise |
Flatten background with 1x1 up to 10x10 polynomial surface |
Subtract or divide polynomial surface or create image of the
surface |
Scale image by a specified factor |
Scale image differently in x and y directions |
Shift image (whole pixel or fractional pixel amounts |
Expand image to larger size |
Imbed image into another image |
Affine transformation (scale, rotate, and shift) |
Convert to luminance image using channel weights |
Extract byte plane from
image having 8 to 64 bits per pixel |
Custom filter kernel, m x n pixels |
Unsharp masking filter |
Sharpening Filters: Unsharp Mask, High Pass (m x n pixels) |
Smoothing Filters: Rectangle, Elliptical, Gaussian, Block Average |
Smoothing Filters: Binomial (m x n pixels) |
Noise Reduction: Median, Boxcar (all m x n pixels) |
Noise Reduction: Clip High, Clip Low |
Image Set Cleaning for automated statistical removal of cosmic rays |
Noise Reduction: Cosmic Ray filter (various options) |
Rank Filters: Median, Minimum Value |
Rank Filters: Maximum value, Percentile Rank |
Operator Kernels: Rotational Gradient, DDP |
Operator Kernels: Compass Gradient, Laplacian (various types) |
Advanced interactive pixel repair |
Express Calibration (apply bias, dark, and flat field corrections to
an image set using existing calibration frames) |
Master Bias Frame Creation command |
Master Dark Frame Creation command |
Master Flat Frame Creation command |
Image Calibration pipeline: create and apply bias corrections (bias
value, bias frame, reference bias) |
Image Calibration pipeline: apply under-scan and over-scan bias
corrections, mean and median over-scan, polynomial fitting, or erase
line removal.
Image Calibration pipeline: create and apply dark corrections (dark
frame, scale by dark exposure time, optimize by statistics), create
or apply a library of master dark frames by exposure time or
temperature. |
Image Calibration pipeline: create and apply flat field corrections,
create or apply a library of master flats according to filter. |
Image Calibration pipeline: cosmic ray filtering |
Image Calibration pipeline: Trim finished images, convert data type |
Cosmetic repair: blemish masks (columns, rows, regions) |
Cosmetic repair: pixel mask correction (isolated points) |
Cosmetic repair: create and edit pixel masks and blemish masks |
Cosmetic Repair: auto-create pixel masks |
Supports image processing plug-ins for measurements and processing. |
Calculate Image Scale from header data |
Calculate CCD camera gain from images |
Calculate CCD readout noise from images |
cycle or continuous image animation |
Modify marker and line size, color symbols |
Single cycle, continuous, and rocking plot animation |
Configurable histogram binning strategies |
Image format extensions: ASCII text read and write, formatted or
unformatted |
Image format extensions: Raw binary read and write |
Multi-level interactive contour plotting |
Maximum Entropy de-convolution for image enhancement |
Multiple 3-D plots from a 2-D image set |
dynamic blinking, animation, and rotation |
3-D Ribbon, Stepped Ribbon, Column, and Simple pixel facets |
Single cycle, continuous, and rocking plot animation |
cycle or continuous animation |
Modify marker and line size, color symbols |
Point source fitting and removal for
deleting interfering PSF's. |
Image Normalization to target statistic or target value |
Kwee - van Woerden Solver for time of minimum in a data set. |
Synthetic Image creation using a complete noise model and synthetic
PSF's |
Program extension language for creating scripts that interact
with Mira or perform independent tasks. | |
File Event Scripting |
Source Extraction module
for detecting and measuring sources |
Live plot scaling and positioning |
Interactive Polynomial fitting to 1-D plot data
(fits order 1 to 10 and provides plot series and region selection,
point deletion and weighting). |
Measure point coordinates and intensities |
Measure angle between two lines and the base angle |
Measure distance along line between points |
Measure polygon area, perimeter, and intensity statistics |
Interactively calibrate linear coordinate scale |
Operator Kernels: Prewitt gradient, Linear Feature |
Image Combining: Alpha Clipped Mean, Geometric Mean, Yp Mean |
Image Combining: Rank clipped mean, Min/max clipped range |