Construction |
Methods that create, copy, and delete CImage objects. |
Array Operations |
Methods that work directly with image values, such as setting the value of a pixel, row, or region. |
Coordinates |
Methods that work with and world coordinates, distances, and measurements. |
Filtering |
Methods that perform filtering operations such as smoothing and
enhancing. |
General Methods |
Methods that open files, create, save, and attach images. |
Calibration |
Methods that perform high level operations for calibrating CCD
images. |
Geometry |
Methods that perform geometric operations such as scaling,
rotating, expanding, etc. |
Properties |
Methods that retrieve image properties such as name, number of
columns, exposure time, filter, image type, etc. |
Keyword Operations |
Methods that work with image headers and retrieve and set
header keywords. |
Math Operations |
Methods that perform mathematical operations between images and
image values, including multiplication, exponentiation, etc. |
Measurements |
Methods that measure features in images including distance,
angle, luminance, etc. |
Math Operators |
Syntax for using CImage objects as variables to simplify the
syntax of complex operations, such as Image = 1.0082 * (I4 - ImBias / const) |
newimage |
Global function that creates a new instance of the CImage class. See
the class method
new. |
new |
Class method that creates a new instance of the CImage class. Various constructors are available. |
delete |
Deletes the instance of the CImage object and deletes its image from memory. |
Copy |
Copies the image to a new image. |
Attach |
Attaches the pointer from an image in a
CImageView. |
AttachFromList |
Creates a new CImage and attaches an image selected from
the list of images in a CImageView. |
ArrayToImage |
Converts a lua array (indexed table) to
a CImage object. |
ImageToArray |
Converts a CImage object to a lua array
(indexed table). |
Axes |
Returns the number of image axes. |
Bytes |
Returns the number of bytes in the image pixel data. |
Cols |
Returns the number of image columns. |
Darktime |
Returns the dark integration time for the image. |
Date |
Returns the date the image was acquired, in days. |
DateStr |
Returns the date of image acquisition as a string. |
DatatypeStr |
Returns the image data type as a string. |
Datatype |
Returns the image data type as a numeric index. |
Exptime |
Returns the image exposure time in seconds. |
Filter |
Returns the name of the filter used for image acquisition. |
Gain |
Returns the inverse gain in electrons per ADU. |
ImageType |
Returns the type of image, usually the value of the IMAGETYP
keyword. |
IsColor |
Returns true if the image is a color data type. |
IsInteger |
Returns true if the image is an integer data type. |
IsNumeric |
Returns true if the image is a numeric data type. |
IsReal |
Returns true if the image is a real (floating point) data type. |
Object |
Returns the object description. |
Path |
Returns the image file path. |
PixelBytes |
Returns the number of bytes per pixel. |
Pixels |
Returns the number of pixels in the image. |
Rows |
Returns the number of image rows. |
Time |
Returns the time of image acquisition as a number of seconds. |
TimeStr |
Returns the time of image acquisition as a string. |
Angle |
Returns the angle formed by the line between 2
pixel coordinates. |
AngleWcs |
Returns the angle formed by the line between 2
world coordinates. |
AreaUnits |
Returns the world coordinate
units for area measurements. |
DistanceWcs |
Returns the distance between 2 world coordinates. |
Distance |
Returns the distance between 2 pixel coordinates. |
DistanceUnits |
Returns the world coordinate
units for distance measurements. |
DistanceWcsStr |
Returns as a string the distance between 2
world coordinates. |
Val |
Returns the pixel value at a pixel coordinate
in the
form of a number. |
ValStr |
Returns the image value at a pixel coordinate
in the
form of a string. |
CoordUnits |
Returns the coordinate units for an image axis. |
GetAxisLabel |
Returns the coordinate label for an image axis. |
GetImageScale |
Returns the image scale in world coordinates per pixel. |
GetImageScaleXy |
Returns the x and y axis image scale of the x and y axis in
world coordinates per pixel. |
PtInside |
Returns true if a pixel coordinate is inside the image. |
WcsToXy |
For a world coordinate, returns the pixel coordinate. |
WcsIsEq |
Returns true if the image has an equatorial
world coordinate
calibration. |
XyToWcs |
For a pixel coordinate, returns the world coordinate
in numeric form. |
XyToWcsStr |
For a pixel coordinate returns the world coordinate
in string form. |
CompareEQ |
Compares whether all the image pixels are equal to the values
of another other image. also see Math Operators. |
CompareLE |
Compares whether all the image pixels are less than or equal to
the values of another image. |
CompareLT |
Compares whether all the image pixels are less than the values
of another image. |
ExtractByte |
Extracts an image consisting of a specific byte plane. |
ExtractChan |
Creates an image consisting of a color channel from an RGB
image. |
PixGE |
Returns the coordinate of the first pixel with value >= target
value. |
Returns the coordinate of the first pixel with value >= value
or <= value 2. |
ExtractChan |
Creates an image consisting of a color channel from an RGB
image. |
SetColumn |
Sets the values in an image column to those in a table or to a
single value. |
SetRegion |
Sets the pixels in a rectangular region to the values in a lua
table or to a value with or without noise. |
SetRegionVal |
Sets the values of pixels inside a rectangular region. |
SetRow |
Sets the values in an image row to those in a table or to a
single value. |
SetVal |
Sets the pixel value at a pixel coordinate. |
Abs |
Computes the absolute value of the image pixels. |
Add |
Adds an operand image. |
AddNoise |
Adds Gaussian random noise to a rectangular region of an image. |
Addx |
Adds a numeric value. |
Blend |
Blends the values of the image with an operand image. |
Blendx |
Blends the image values with a numeric value. |
Byteswap |
Swaps the byte order of the pixels. |
Chs |
Changes the sign of the image values. |
Div |
Divides by an operand image. |
Divx |
Divides by a numeric value. |
Exp |
Raises base e to powers specified by the image pixels. |
ExtractByte |
Extracts an image consisting of a specific byte plane. |
Log |
Computes the base-e logarithm of the pixel values. |
Log10 |
Computes the base-10 logarithm of the pixel values. |
Mod |
Calculates the remainder of division by an operand image. |
Modx |
Computes the remainder of division by a numeric value. |
Mul |
Multiplies by an operand image. |
Mulx |
Multiplies by a numeric value. |
PixGE |
Returns the coordinate of the first pixel with value >= target value. |
Returns the coordinate of the first pixel with value >= value
or <= value 2. |
PolyFitSub |
Fits and subtracts a polynomial from the image. |
PolyFitDiv |
Fits and divides a polynomial into the image. |
PolyFitImage |
Fit a polynomial and evaluate it in the image. |
Pow |
Raises the image values to a power. |
Powa |
Raises a base value to powers specified by the image pixels. |
Powab |
Raises the image pixels to the power defined by the pixels of
an operand image. |
Recip |
Computes the reciprocal of the pixel values. |
ExtractChan |
Creates an image consisting of a color channel from an RGB
image. |
ScaleLinVal |
Applies a linear scaling to the pixel values. |
ScalePolyVal |
Applies a polynomial intensity correction. |
SetColumn |
Sets the values in an image column to those in a table or to a
single value. |
SetDatatype |
Changes the image Data type specified by an index value. |
SetRegion |
Sets the pixels in a rectangular region to the values in a lua
table or to a value with or without noise. |
SetRegionVal |
Sets the values of pixels inside a rectangular region. |
SetRow |
Sets the values in an image row to those in a table or to a
single value. |
SetVal |
Sets the pixel value at a pixel coordinate. |
Sqrt |
Computes the square root of the image values. |
Sub |
Subtracts an operand image. |
Subx |
Subtracts a numeric value. |
Xdiv |
Divides the image values into a numeric value. |
Xsub |
Subtracts the image values from a numeric value. |
Affine |
Applies an affine transformation of shift, scale, and rotation. |
BlockAvg |
Averages pixel values into m x n super-pixels. |
BlockSum |
Sums pixel values into m x n super-pixels. |
Crop |
Crops a smaller piece from the image. |
DimEq |
Tests whether 2 images have the same dimensions. |
Expand |
Expands the image into a larger canvas with specified border
value and optional random noise. |
Hflip |
Flips the image horizontally. |
Imbed |
Imbed the image at a specific location in another image. |
Reorient |
Reorients the image in various quadrant transformations. |
Rot180 |
Rotates the image 180 degrees. |
Rot270 |
Rotates the image 270 degrees. |
Rot90 |
Rotates the image 90 degrees. |
Rotate |
Rotates the image by an angle about its center. |
RotatePt |
Rotates the image by an angle about a point. |
Scale |
Scales the image by a magnification factor. |
ScaleXy |
Scales the image independently by magnification factors in the
x and y directions. |
Shift |
Shifts the image horizontally and vertically. |
Transpose |
Flips the image about its main diagonal. |
Vflip |
Flips the image vertically. |
KwdDelete |
Deletes a keyword from the image header. |
KwdExists |
Returns true if the named keyword exists in the image header. |
KwdGetDMS |
Returns a properly formatted angle string for a keyword value
given in degrees, minutes, and seconds. Use this for keywords not in the
standard format using : as a field delimiter. |
KwdGetDmsEx |
Returns a DMS angle for a string keyword plus a boolean flag
indicating that the keyword is in the image header. |
KwdGetHMS |
Returns a MHS time string for a string keyword value given in
hours, minutes, and seconds. Use this for keywords not in the standard format
using : as a field delimiter. |
KwdGetHmsEx |
Returns an HMS time for a string keyword plus a boolean flag
indicating that the keyword is in the image header. |
KwdGetNum |
Returns a numeric value keyword. |
KwdGetNumEx |
Returns a numeric value keyword plus a boolean flag indicating
that the keyword is in the image header. |
KwdGetSect |
Returns the 4 column and row limits stored in a region section
keyword, like BIASSEC. |
KwdGetSectEx |
Returns the 4 column and row limits stored in a region section
keyword (e.g., BIASSEC), plus a boolean flag indicating that the keyword is in
the image header. |
KwdGetStr |
Returns a string value keyword. |
KwdGetStrEx |
Returns a string value keyword plus a boolean flag indicating
that the keyword is in the image header. |
KwdGetVal |
Returns the value of a keyword in any format (string, number,
etc.) as a string. |
KwdGetValEx |
Returns the value of a keyword in any format (string, number,
etc.) as a string and also a boolean flag indicating that the keyword is in the
header. |
KwdSetBlank |
Adds a blank keyword to the image header. |
KwdSetBlankStr |
Adds a blank keyword with string value to the image header. |
KwdSetBool |
Sets the value of a boolean T/F keyword or adds the keyword to
the image header. |
KwdSetComment |
Adds a comment keyword to the image header. |
KwdSetDate |
Sets the value of a date keyword or adds the keyword to the
image header. |
KwdSetHistory |
Adds a history keyword to the image header. |
KwdSetNum |
Sets the value of a numeric keyword or adds the keyword to the
image header. |
KwdSetSect |
Sets a region section keyword (e.g., BIASSEC) using the 4
column and row limits passed as numbers |
KwdSetStr |
Sets the value of a string keyword or adds the keyword to the
image header. |
KwdSetTime |
Sets the value of a time keyword or adds the keyword to the
image header. |
KwdSetVal |
Sets the value of a keyword or adds the keyword to the image
header. |
ApplyPixelMask |
Applies a pixel mask to repair image blemishes. |
CreatePixelMask |
Creates a mask file for pixels above or below threshold values. |
CreatePixelMaskHigh |
Creates a mask file for pixels above a threshold value. |
CreatePixelMaskLow |
Creates a mask file for pixels below a threshold value. |
SetMaskedValue |
Sets pixel values at coordinates identified in a pixel mask. |
SubBiasFrame |
Subtract a bias frame from the image. |
SubBiasVal |
Subtract a bias value from the image. |
SubBiasRef |
Subtract a reference bias value stored in a header keyword. |
SubBiasCol |
Compute and apply a column bias correction. |
SubBiasRow |
Compute and apply a row bias correction. |
SubDarkFrame |
Subtracts a dark frame from the image. |
SubDarkScaled |
Subtracts a time-scaled dark frame from the image. |
SubDarkOpt |
Subtracts a statistically optimized dark frame from the image. |
DivFlatFrame |
Divides the image by a flat field frame. |
DivFlatNorm |
Divides the image by a flat field frame while normalizing the
flat during the calculation. |
FiltBinomial |
Smooths the image using a binomial weight rectangular filter
to an image or rectangular region of an image. |
FiltClipHigh |
Replaces image pixels
above a threshold value. |
FiltClipLow |
Replaces image pixels
below a threshold value. |
FiltEllipse |
Smooths the image using an equal weight elliptical filter
to an image or rectangular region of an image. |
FiltGaussian |
Smooths the image using a Gaussian weight elliptical filter
to an image or rectangular region of an image. |
FiltGradient |
Applies a directional derivative gradient filter to an image or rectangular region of an image. |
FiltKernel |
Applies a user-defined filter
to an image or rectangular region of an image. |
FiltLaplacian |
Applies a Laplacian filter, usually for edge detection. |
FiltLine |
Applies a directional line selection filter
to an image or rectangular region of an image. |
FiltMax |
Applies a maximum value filter to an image or rectangular region of an image. |
FiltMedian |
Applies a median filter to an image or rectangular region of an image. |
FiltMin |
Applies a minimum value filter to an image or rectangular region of an image. |
FiltPrewitt |
Applies a Prewitt directional gradient mask. |
FiltRank |
Applies a rank value filter to an image or rectangular region of an image. |
FiltRect |
Smooths the image using an equal weight rectangular filter
to an image or rectangular region of an image. |
FiltRotGrad |
Applies a rotational gradient filter to enhance rotational or
"spoked" features. |
FiltSharpen |
Sharpens the image using a crispening filter to an image or rectangular region of an image. |
FiltSobel |
Applies a Sobel edge filter to an image or rectangular region of an image. |
FiltUnsharpMask |
Sharpens the image using unsharp masking. |