New Features

The list below summarizes major additions and changes to the most recent version of Mira. Also see the README document provided with the Mira installation.

NOTE: After installing a new version of Mira, your web browser may display cached pages of an obsolete version of the online User's Guide. This can create issues with missing topics or lost graphics. To refresh the cache, use Shift+F5 or Shift+Reload the first time you open the User's Guide of a new Mira version.

Version 8.66
Version 8.65

This is a significant upgrade because of the new window-level connections into the Mira Pro x64 User's Guide as described below:

Version 8.624
Version 8.623
 Version 8.622
Version 8.621
Version 8.62
Version 8.60

Mira Pro x64 version 8.60 is a major upgrade with dozens of new and improved features and a vast expansion of its scripting capabilities.

Script Language

Related Topics


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