Report Windows

Report Windows list the results of measurements in a grid format. They are similar to a Measurement Pane but the grid is displayed in a top-level window (which has a menu bar). The Table Properties can be changed using the the Table Properties command. A typical Report Window is shown below. The grid controls in Report Windows may be attached to a script or created from a script using the CGridView class in the Pro Script Module. From there, analysis can be done using the CLsqFit class, CStats class, and others. See theMira Pro x64 Script User's Guide.

Report windows provide several commands for working with table data in the Grid Control. You can edit, sort, rearrange, and save the contents of the table. For Report Windows, the Report Window Menu and the Grid Context Menu contain commands for manipulating the tabular data. These are described in Grid Controls.

You can control whether Mira prompts to confirm closing or saving a Report Window using the check list item in the General Properties dialog.

Script Execution

The Mira Pro Script language provides an immense collection of script functions and classes to work with Report Windows containing a grid control. In addition, scripts can be executed (launched) directly from the Report Window to work with its grid data. The Execute Script menu command opens for selecting a script, then executes the script. When the script is executed, it is automatically sent a CGridView object attached to the window. Scripts can also be launched from grid measurement panes attached to Image Windows and Plot Windows. The installed folder <Documents>/Mira Pro x64 Data/Scripts/Samples contains a sample script to be called from a Report Window, named "Execute from a Grid Window test.lua" and another one to be launched from Measurement Panes, named, "Execute from a Grid Pane test.lua". See theMira Pro x64 Script User's Guide for details.

Accelerator Keys

Accelerators in the table below execute commands when a Report Window has focus.

Report Window Accelerators


Opens the Table Properties dialog.


Executes the Copy command, which copies the selected cells to the Windows clipboard.


Executes the New command, which displays the New Document dialog.


Executes the File > Open command, which displays the Open dialog.


Prints the Report Window.


Opens the General Properties. Here you can set global Properties for working with images and plots, as well as other aspects of the user interface.

Related Topics

Measuring Images

Measurement Panes

Grid Controls

Table Properties dialog

Grid Context Menu

Report Window Menu

Create Chart from Grid

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