Save Window Position

The Save Window Position command informs Mira about the size and position to use when opening new top-level view windows. The command is available for several view window types including 3-D Plot Windows, Chart Windows, Plot Windows, Report Windows, Script Editor Windows, and Text Editor Windows. For Image Windows, use the Image Window Properties command.

Clicking [OK] on this command dialog stores the properties for only the top-most view window type, to be applied going forward as new windows of the same type are opened. To return a view window type to using a default position or size, bring the view window to the top of the stack and open this dialog. Then uncheck Save Window Offset or select Window Size = Mira default.

Note: Saving the window offset causes new view windows to open at the same location on top of existing windows of the same type, obscuring earlier windows from view unless the top-most window is repositioned.

Save Window Position Properties

 Save Window Offset

Check this box to save the view window's offset from the upper left corner of the tab area. If unchecked, the window opens at a "cascading" position below and right of the previous window.

Window Size

Select the option for the view window size when future windows of this type are opened:

Current size: Saves the current window size.

Size at closing: Saves the window size the next time the window type is closed.

Mira default: Instructs Mira to use the default window size.

Small: Makes future windows 400x300 pixels in size.

Medium: Makes future windows 7500x500 pixels in size.

Large: Makes future windows 1000x700 pixels in size.


Commits the specified properties for use the next time a window of this view type is opened.

Related Topics

3-D Plot Windows

Chart Windows

Image Windows

Plot Windows

Report Windows

Script Editor Windows

Text Editor Windows

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