1-D Fit Toolbar

The 1-D Fit Toolbar is the user interface to the 1-D Fit Package, which is a quite of interactive tools for doing curve fitting with data displayed in a Plot window.

Toolbar Buttons



Calculates the fit using all current settings. If verbose mode is enabled in the menu ( button), then verbose results are listed in the 1-D Fit Messages window.


Sets the number of coefficients, which is the maximum fit order minus 1. The coefficient count includes those that are being forced, or excluded from the fit.


Activates Point Weighting mode. In this mode, click on a point to assign it a new weight. Disable the mode by clicking .


Activates Point Deleting mode. In this mode, click on a point to delete it from being fit. Disable the mode by clicking . Example.


This is a 2-part button: The left-side checkbox enables Coefficient Forcing mode when you want specific coefficient values set to a value and excluded from the fitting process. The right button opens the1-D Fit Preferences dialog and activates the Set Coefs page. To force a coefficient, its value must be specified and the left-side checkbox must be checked. Example.


This is a 2-part button: The left-side checkbox enables Sigma Clipping to auto-reject deviant points from the fit. The right button opens the 1-D Fit Preferences dialog and activates the Sigma Clipping page. To use sigma clipping, the clipping parameters must be set on the preferences page and the left-side checkbox must be checked. Example


Opens the 1-D Fit Preferences dialog.

Opens a command menu. The command menu is used for changing some fit preferences, resetting fitting properties, and other purposes.


Check this box to limit the fit to marked regions. Only points inside the regions are fit. The regions are marked in Region Marking mode, which is activated by clicking the button.


Activates Region Marking mode. In this mode, drag the mouse pointer to draw selection rectangles; only points inside the rectangles are fit when is checked. Disable marking mode by clicking . Example

Activates Region Deleting mode. In this mode, click inside each fitting region to delete it. Disable the mode by clicking .

 Related Topics

1-D Fit Preferences, Plot Windows, Working with Plots