Source Extraction Dialog
MExtract Module
The Source Extraction dialog contains all the parameters that control the source extraction process.
Open this dialog by clicking on the Source Extraction
toolbar. The toolbar is opened by the Extract Sources command.
See the following pages for a description of all the extraction preferences:
Procedure controls the steps of the processing pipeline.
Background computes the background to be corrected when detecting objects.
Detect controls how objects are detected using a threshold above background.
Filter allows the pipeline to cull the source list by discarding sources that do not meet certain criteria.
Match controls how the source list for an image set is cleaned of non permanent sources.
Diff controls how the source list for an image set is cleaned of permanent sources.
Post Process enables and configures various post-detection methods
After loading a Profile or configuring the preferences, click [Process] to run the pipeline. If you click [Apply], all the current parameters are saved to the named profile.
Extract Sources command, Extracting Sources from Images, Introduction to Source Extraction, Source Extraction Definitions, Running the Source Extraction Pipeline