Making a Scatter Plot of Report Data

Mira uses the Scatter Plot command to graph the values in two columns of the table in a Report Window. The scatter plot command also has the ability to plot error bars in both the x and y directions.

Making a scatter plot is a 1 or 2 step process, depending upon whether you want to plot values from all rows of the table (one step process) or you want to plot values only from selected rows (two step process). In the two step process, the rows must be selected in the Report Window (see row selection under Report Context Menu). In both cases, the data columns are selected from among the columns of the table. The one-step and two-step processes are described below.

Graphing the Entire Table

Graphing values in two columns over the entire table is accomplished in a one-step process. You simply select the columns containing the values using the Scatter Plot dialog.

  1. Inside the target Report Window, right click to open its Report Context Menu.

  2. Make sure no rows are selected (i.e., not highlighted.) If the Report Context Menu is not in Row Selection Mode, then no rows can be selected. If the menu shows the report is in Row Selection Mode, select a different mode. Then re-open the Report Context Menu.

  3. In the menu, select Scatter Plot to open the Scatter Plot dialog.

  4. In the Scatter Plot dialog, select the table column containing data to plot on the Y axis and the column containing data to plot on the X axis. Error bars can be optionally selected.

  5. Click [OK]. A new Plot window is created showing data for the selected columns over all rows of the table.

Graphing Data in Selected Rows

Graphing values in two columns but using selected rows is accomplished in a two-step process. The first step is to select the rows in the Report Window using Row Selection Mode. The second step is to select the data columns using the Scatter Plot dialog.


  1. Inside the target Report Window, right click to open its Report Context Menu.

  2. Make sure that Row Selection Mode is selected. If the Report Context Menu is not in Row Selection Mode, select it. Changing modes closes the menu.

  3. Select the target rows to plot. Marking isolated groups of rows uses the [Ctrl] key. See Selecting Cells in a Report Table.

  4. In the menu, select Scatter Plot to open the Scatter Plot dialog.

  5. In the Scatter Plot dialog, select the table column containing data to plot on the Y axis and the column containing data to plot on the X axis.

  6. If adding error bars to the plot, check the option to add error bars and specify the table columns containing the error bar data.

  7. Click [OK]. A new Plot window is created showing data for the selected columns over all rows of the table.

Related Topics

Scatter Plot, Report Windows, Report Context Menu