Image Geometry Commands

The commands below process the image by changing its geometry. This includes commands for rotating, shifting, scaling, and resizing images. These commands are located in the Process > Geometry menu and Process > Alignment menu.

Rotate Image

Performs quadrant rotation, mirror flipping, and free rotations of images.

Scale Image

Applies distortion free or unequal scaling of images.

Shift Image

Performs integral or fractional pixel shifts of images.

Affine Transformation

Applies a simultaneous transformation of scale, shift, and rotation.

Expand Image

Enlarges an image into a background background.

Imbed Image

Inserts an image into a background image, either opaque or transparently.

Crop Image

Crops the image or image set to a specific column and row range specified in a dialog.

Crop at Cursor

Immediately crops the image or image set to the rectangle of the Image Cursor.

Crop by Rectangle

Interactively crops the image or image set to a manually drawn rectangle.

Related Topics


Aligning Images

Image Math Commands

Rotating Images

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