Property Profiles

A Property Profile, or "Profile", manages a collection of command properties by saving them under a group name. Profiles are also known as Presets. A profile makes it easy to operate a complex or repetitive procedure without having to remember all of the specific settings. For example, statistically combining images into a single master image requires many properties. Since there are many ways to combine images, these properties vary depending on the way you want to combine the images. Therefore, the Combine Image Set dialog properties in profiles that you can re-use at any time by selecting a saved profile from the list.

The user interface for working with profiles is the Profile Control. The profile control helps you manage the profiles available for the particular dialog. Using the profile control, you can add new profiles, delete profiles, or change and update existing profiles. Not all dialogs have a Profile Control, but most global command dialogs include a profile control.

Related Topics

Profile Control, User Interface