Grid Appearance Properties

The Grid Appearance page is a member of the Grid Properties dialog. Use this page to set the fonts and colors of the table in the parent grid control or all open grid controls.

Grid Appearance Properties

Fonts and Colors


Cell Font

Sets properties for the font used to draw the grid cells.

Heading Font

Sets properties for the font used to draw the grid column headings.


Sets the color used for selecting cells.

checkbox.png Save colors to all

Check this box to save the font colors and selection color to all open grids. Uncheck the box to save only to the current grid.

Grid cell stretch factors


Table cells

The stretch factor for drawing grid cells. This adjusts the height of the cell relative to the font height.


The stretch factor for drawing grid headings. This adjusts the height of the headings relative to the font height.

checkbox.png Auto Optimize Columns

Check this box to auto-optimize the grid cells widths as new data area added.

checkbox.png Copy Column Headings

Check this box to copy the headings when copying grid data using copy+paste or saving to a file.

Grid Fonts

The [Cell Font] and [Heading Font] buttons open a font selector dialog to change the fonts used by the grid, as shown below. Font changes are applied to all open open and saved as defaults for future grids. The font colors are applied either to all open grids or the current grid, according to the setting of the Save colors to all check box.

Related Topics

Grid Control, Report Windows, Measurement Panes, Grid Printing Properties, Grid Properties dialog, Measuring Images