Image Palettes

An image palette is a color mapping between image brightness and some number of colors. Mira uses 256 palette entries per channel to display a luminance image (i.e., an image not in RGB format). For such images, the image levels are set by the Transfer Function, then a palette of colors is assigned to each level of the transfer function. Since there are a discrete number of levels in the transfer function that must cover some range of image luminance, there is a range of luminance assigned to each palette color. By changing the color assignment to the palette indices, you can change the way the image is rendered.

Changing the Image Palette

Images are converted from pixel values to the screen display using two protocols: a Transfer Function for non-RGB images, and a Palette for all images. The transfer function converts image brightness values into a look-up table with 255 entries (255 per channel for RGB images). The palette then assigns a color or shade of gray to each entry in the lookup table. You can change both of these quantities from the Image Window:

Procedures for Changing the Image Palette

Contrast & Brightness

Move the mouse cursor into the Colormap area. You will see it change to a mode cursor with a yin/yang shape upon entry.

  1. Mouse down to activate palette mode, then drag the cursor left/right to change brightness or up/down to change contrast.

  2. Release the mouse button when finished.

Gamma & Brightness

Move the mouse cursor into the Colormap area. You will see it change to a mode cursor with a yin/yang shape upon entry.

  1. Mouse down to activate palette mode, then drag the cursor left/right to change brightness or up/down to change contrast.

  2. Release the mouse button when finished.


Related Topics

Adjusting the Palette, Palette Properties, Transfer Functions, Image Windows