Docking Panes Toolbar

The Docking Panes toolbar provides buttons commands for all docking panes of Image Windows. In addition the Docking Pane Control button also exists save, tabify, and reopen the window's panes. The commands on this toolbar apply to the Image Window currently on top of the stack.

Buttons on this toolbar operate the following commands. From the left, they are as follows:

Save Docking Pane Layout: Saves the layout, re-opens, closes, and tabifies docking panes of the parent window.

Palette Pane: This pane provides palette adjustments using the mouse and shows the pixel values assigned to the palette entries. This button opens the pane in vertical orientation.

Transfer Function Pane: This pane provides adjustments to the image transfer function. This button opens the pane in vertical orientation.

FITS Header Pane: This pane shows the FITS format image header. The pane updates when an operation modifies the image header.

Pixel Table Pane: This pane shows pixel values near the location of the image cursor.

Image Bar: This docking pane contains the Image Window center for controlling the IMage Cursor, zooming, panning, coordinate readout, and other functions.

Animation Bar: This pane in Image Windows controls blinking and animation of image sets.

Related Topics

User Interface, Image Windows, Docking Panes