CImExtract:Copy CImExtract:delete


The Count method returns the number of sources extracted from the image using the CImExtract:Extract method.


number = CImExtract:Count()

bullet.gif    On success, this method returns the number of sources extracted from the image.

bullet.gif    On failure, this method returns 0.


The following script extracts sources from an image and lists the x,y coordinates for all sources.

E = new_imextract()

-- create a CImExtract

-- select the image from an image window


V = attachlist_imageview()

-- get an image window

Assert( V, "No Image window selected")

-- exit if no image window selected

-- choose the image if image set has > 1 image


if V:Count() > 1 then

-- return the number of sources found

  I = attachviewlist_image( V )


  if I == nil then


    Assert( I, "No Images are available")








bSuccess = E:Extract( I )

-- extract sources from CImage I

if not bSuccess then Exit("Extract failed") end




nSources = E:Count()

-- Get the number of sources

for n = 1,nSources do


  local S = E:GetSource(n)

-- t is a table of data for source n

  if S ~= nil then


    Printf("%d:%lg,%lg\n", n, S.nCenterX, S.nCenterY)

-- list x,y of source n





Related Topics

CImExtract class





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