CImageSet:new CImageSet:RemoveAt


The Remove method removes a CImage from the CImageSet by matching the CImage object to set members.


member = CImageSet:Remove( CImage )

bullet.gif    CImage specifies the CImage to remove.

bullet.gif    member is the set member that was removed.

bullet.gif    On success, this method returns the removed member.

bullet.gif    On failure, nil is returned.


This method finds the member in the list by searching the CImageSet to match the CImage object by value. On success, the CImage argument and the returned member should be equal.

Removing the member decreases the list Count by 1 member.


Suppose a CImageSet exists with name S and that it contains 10 CImage objects. The following script removes from the list the CImage I:


Printf("Count=%d", S:Count() )

-- result: count=10

S:Remove( I )

-- remove the CImage I

Printf("Count=%d", S:Count() )

-- result: count=9

Related Topics

CImageSet class, RemoveAt, RemoveFirst, RemoveLast, CImage class

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