CImageSet:Remove CImageSet:RemoveFirst


The RemoveAt method removes a CImage from the list by its index position in the set.


CImage = CImageSet:RemoveAt( position )

bullet.gif    position specifies the removal point (see Remarks)

bullet.gif    On success, the CImage that was removed is returned.

bullet.gif    On failure, nil is returned.


Removing a list member decreases the set Count by 1 member. Removal does not delete the CImage or its associated image.


Suppose a CImageSet exists with name S and that it contains 10 images. The following script removes from the list the CImage object at index 5:


Printf("count=%d", S:Count() )

-- result: count=10

S:RemoveAt( 5 )

-- remove the member at index 5

Printf("count=%d", S:Count() )

-- result: count=9

Related Topics

CImageSet class, RemoveFirst, RemoveLast, Remove, CImage class

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