Capture Cursor to TF
This command copies the bounding coordinates of the Image Cursor into the default transfer function parameters for future use when opening images. This allows a specific image region to be used for computing the initial transfer function when images are opened. This command opens the Transfer Function Properties dialog with the new region parameters. To use them, you must save the parameter set set as a profile. This sampling region will be used with the other transfer function parameters going forward whenever the saved profile is the current profile.
The Capture Cursor to TF command is opened from the View > Transfer Function submenu and View > Cursor submenu.
The series of pictures below shows the effect of displaying using the default sample region, then the result of setting the sample region using the current command.
Transfer Function Properties dialog showing the default sample region. |
A comet image was opened using the default sample region shown above. Then the Image Cursor was positioned over the bright comet nucleus and the Capture Cursor to TF command was used. |
This shows the Transfer Function Properties dialog with new sample region inserted by using the Capture Cursor to TF command with the small cursor shown in the previous image. Note that the new region parameters were saved with a new profile name. |
This shows the same comet image opened using the sample region shown above. With the small sample size, the image is scaled according to the bright nucleus, leaving the remainder of the image nearly black. The Image Cursor was then enlarged and positioned over a large region of faint structure to the upper right of the comet nucleus. Executing the Capture Cursor to TF command then opens the Transfer Function Properties dialog with the sample region shown below. |
This shows the Transfer Function Properties dialog with new sample region inserted by using the Capture Cursor to TF command with the larger cursor shown in the previous image. Note that the new region parameters were saved with a new profile name. |
This shows the same comet image opened using the larger sample region shown above which encloses a large region of faint structure in the comet. |
Transfer Function Properties Dialog
Choosing Transfer Function Properties
Mira Pro x64 8.73 User's Guide, Copyright Ⓒ 2024 Mirametrics, Inc.
All Rights Reserved.