Procedure page (Source Extraction)

The Procedure page of the Source Extraction Properties selects the extraction operations and provides other miscellaneous settings used by the Extract Sources command. The first 4 items in the Operations group are configured on other pages of the dialog.

Procedure Properties

Options for the Automated Extraction Pipeline

Extraction Steps


Enables options on the Background page.


Enables options on the Detect page.


Enables options on the Filter page.


Enables options on the Post-process page.


Enables labeling of the sources on the image using a numbered marker. To configure the markers, click the button on the toolbar.

Verbose Messages

Enables verbose message result from the extraction process.

Multiple Image Options

Find all Sources

Enables merging of course list among multiple images.

Match Sources

Enables coordinate matching to cull the object list to report only objects common to all images. The properties are set on the Match page.

Difference Sources

Enables coordinate matching to cull the object list to report only objects found in different images. The properties are set on the Difference page.

Method for Reporting Results

No Report

Does not report the results.

Save to File

Saves to a text file.

List to Report Window

Lists the results in a Report window.

Save to File

Saves the results to a text file. A File Save dialog is opened to collect the file name.

Copy to Clipboard

Copies the results to the Windows clipboard without column headings.

Copy to Clipboard with Headings

Copies the results to the Windows clipboard with column headings.

Other controls in the Procedure window

 Use Cursor ROI

Extracts objects inside the Image Cursor. If not checked, objects are extracted from the entire image.


Manually reports the results to the selected output format.

Zoom for GoTo

From this list, select the zoom factor for the Go to Object command in the context menu for the Source Extraction Report window. The selected value sets the zoom factor when the image window centers on the object.

Related Topics

Extract Sources command

Source Extraction Properties

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