CHistogram:delete CHistogram:GetBinWidth


The GetBinCount method returns the actual bin count used by the histogram Calc method. This method is useful after setting the binning strategy with the SetBinWidth or SetBinAuto method since, in both cases, the bin count is calculated from other parameters.


nCount = CHistogram:GetBinCount( )


The following script retrieves the bin count for use in setting up an x axis for plotting the histogram.

H = CHistogram:new()

-- create a Histogram object

v = GaussDev( 1000000 )

-- create this number of random deviates

y = H:Calc( v )


x = Index( H:GetBinCount(), H:GetMin()+H:GetBinWidth()/2, H:GetBinWidth() )

SteplinePlot( x, y )

-- plot the histogram using default settings



Related Topics

CHistogram Class, SetBinCount