Background Preferences (Image Registration)

Use this page to configure Imbedding the registered images into a larger backgtround image, or "canvas"..


Median Edge Value

Check this option to replace the blank edge pixels with the median value of pixels in the outer margin of the image.


If Median Edge Value is not checked, enter the value for blank pixels into this field.

Expand Images

Check this box to expand images to a larger size as part of the registration procedure.

New Size

If Expand Images is checked, these two fields specify the number of columns and rows in the registered images.

Offset Images

Check this option to offset each registered image in its output image.

Offset Position

If Offset Images is checked, these two fields specify the column and row offset of each image in the output image.


The Expand and Offset settings can work together to make a large image into which the other images are Imbedded.

Related Topics

Image Registration Preferences, Resampling Preferences, Marker Preferences