Rotating Images
Image rotation is used to re-orient an image for better viewing or to match another image having a different orientation. Also included in the concept of "rotation" is the concept of flipping an image to produce a mirror-reversed view. All of these techniques permanently change the value at each location of the image; they are not simply an adjustment of the way the image is viewed on the computer screen.
Mira provides a number of different commands for rotating images:
Rotate Button on the
Image Toolbar. This
opens the Rotation
Menu which gives quick access to the commands in the Rotate Angle dialog.
The full-featured Rotate Image dialog.
The Rotate Image command includes options for rotating the image in 90 degree steps, that is, for 90, 180, and 270 degrees. If the image is not perfectly square, the 90 and 270 degree rotations exchange the width and height.
The Rotate Image command includes commands for reversing the image left-right, up-down, and about its main diagonal. (the line from pixel (1,1) to the opposite corner).
The Rotate Image command has an option to rotate an image by an exact angle, measured in decimal degrees.
World Coordinate System, Rotate Image command, Rotating Images