Plot Windows

Plot Windows display 1-D data in the form of a 2-D graph, or "plot". The different aspects of plotting in Mira are described in Working with Plots and topics referenced therein. The pictures below show a typical Plot Window with the Plot Toolbar at the top border and the Plot Animation Toolbar at bottom border. The Plot Toolbar can be shown or hidden using theToolbar command in the Plot menu or the option on the Plot Preferences page. In the second picture, the window is changed to Overplot mode using the command in the Plot Context Menu. You can control whether Mira prompts you to confirm closing a Plot Window using the check list item in the Other Preferences dialog.

This is a typical Plot Window showing a single row plotted for an image :

Displaying Multiple Plot Series

A Plot Window can contain more than 1 series of data, such as multiple images, multiple rows, or a scatter plot of table data. You can also create multiple series using copy + paste to add data from other Plot Windows. In such cases, you can choose from 2 modes to view the multiple series:

Animate Mode

This window has 5 plot series. In this mode, only 1 series is displayed at a time.

Overplot Mode

This picture shows all 5 plot series at the same time. The color assigned to each series is configured in the Plot Preferences dialog. The plot series attributes also can be altered afterward using the Plot Attributes dialog.

There are many ways to create Row Profile Plots and Column Profile Plots like those shown above.

Plot Window Toolbars

The Plot Window provides a number of toolbars for working with the plotted data.

Plot Context Menu

Right clicking inside a Plot Window opens a Context Menu containing some useful commands. This shows the Plot Series Mode submenu used to create the different plots shown above.

The commands in the Context Menu are a subset of those in the Plot window's pull-down menu.

Accelerator Keys

Accelerators in the table below execute commands when a Plot Window has focus.

Plot Accelerators


Opens the Plot Attributes dialog for setting the preferences for the Plot window and the plotted data.


Executes the Copy command, which copies the window's plot series to the Windows clipboard.


Executes the New command, which displays the New Document dialog.


Executes the File > Open command, which displays the Open dialog.


Prints the Plot Window.


Opens the Mira Preferences dialog. Here you can set global preferences for working with images and plots, as well as other aspects of the user interface.


Executes the Paste command to paste plot series from the clipboard into the current Plot Window.


Open the Plot Series Attributes dialog.

Related Topics

Plotting Commands, Working with Plots, Plotting Commands, Printing Plots, Plot Toolbar, Plot Animation Toolbar, Image Windows, Scatter Plot