Set Pixel Value Format

The Set Pixel Value Format command controls the display of pixel values in the Image Bar for images having a "real" Pixel Type, including 32-bit and 64-bit real images. These settings do not affect images having an integer Pixel Type.


Set Pixel Value Format Properties

Pixel format for real-valued images:

Generate/BULLET_MARKED5.jpg Set total number of digits

Use this option to use the drop list to select the maximum number of displayed digits. For example, selecting "6" with pixel values 1234.56789 and 12.34 would display them as 1234.56 and 12.34.

bullet_marked.png Set digits after decimal

Use this option to use the drop list to select the number of digits right of the decimal point. For example, choosing "2" with pixel values 123.4567 and 1234567.8 would display them as 123.45 and 1234567.80.

Apply changes to:

Generate/BULLET_MARKED6.jpg This image only

Applies the settings to this image only.

bullet_marked.png All images in this window

Applies the settings to this image and all others in this Image Window.

Generate/BULLET_MARKED7.jpg This window and all future windows

Applies the changes to all images in this Image Window and saves the settings for all future Image Windows.

Related Topics

Image Bar, Image Windows, Pixel Types