Image Windows

An Image Window is the type of Mira view window used to display 2 dimensional images. The image window has different forms, depending upon which toolbars and docking panes are open. Several of these extra command bars are shown in the Image Window below.


The largest component of the Image Window is the Image Bar that appears between the window caption and the displayed image. This extravagant toolbar puts many image controls and image information near at hand without requiring you to shift your visual focus far from the Image.

Accelerator Keys

The Image Window contains a selection of standard accelerator keystroke shortcuts. In addition, several single-press Image Tool Keystroke Commands perform measurements, plots, and other operations on the current image or Image Set.

Accelerators in the table below execute commands when an Image Window has focus.

Image Window Accelerators


Opens the Image Window Properties page of the General Properties.


Copies the current image to the Windows clipboard.


Copies the marker set (apertures, lines, etc.) from the image to the Windows clipboard.


Switches between Roam mode and Cursor command mode. This command switches from any mode into Cursor mode, or from Cursor mode to Roam mode.


Executes the Edit Pixel Values command to view a table of pixels as text values.


Executes the Go To Coordinates command.


Executes the Image Set Properties command for examining or reordering the image set.


Executes the New command, which displays the New Document dialog.


Executes the File > Open command, which displays the Open dialog.


Prints the image.


Shows or hides the Image Set Toolbar.


Opens the General Properties. Here you can set global Properties for working with images and plots, as well as other aspects of the user interface.


Executes the File > Save command.


Opens the Transfer Function Pane dialog.


Pastes the current image from the Windows clipboard to the image set position after the currently displayed image. This command works only in conjunction with the Copy (Ctrl+C) command in Mira.


Pastes the marker set from the Window clipboard into the window.


Copies the window interior as a bitmap from the screen to the Windows clipboard.


Cuts the region outlined by the image cursor by executing the Crop at Cursor command.


Executes the Undo command for the image or image set, as controlled by the Process Image Set flag.


Single Keystroke Commands

The Image Window provides several keystrokes for creating plots, making measurements, and performing other commands. These commands work with the Image Cursor (not the window pointer) and are not case sensitive. These single keystrokes do not use a prefix, such as Ctrl or Alt. An image is active for keystroke command input when it has the keyboard focus and the mouse pointer hovers over it. For tips on using these commands, see the notes following the table in the topic Image Tool Keystroke Commands.

Single Keystroke Commands for the Image Window


performs Alignment of the images set by computing a centroid position on the point near the center of the image cursor. The alignment uses horizontal and vertical translation. This works best when the images are already within about 10 pixels of alignment.


measures the Centroid position near the center of the image cursor.


measures the FWHM (full width at half maximum about the center of the image cursor.


creates a Row Profile Plot (horizontal plot) of the row centered on the image cursor.


creates a Histogram Plot of the region inside the image cursor area.


opens or closes the Pixel Table showing values around the center of the cursor. Right click on the pixel table to see its options. The pixel table updates when you wither move the image cursor or cycles between the images of an image set.


plots a Radial Profile around the centroid position near the center of the image cursor.


calculates Statistics for all pixels inside the image cursor. The type of statistic is selected in the Statistics Properties dialog described above.


creates a Column Profile Plot (vertical plot) of the column centered on the image cursor.


magnifies the image 2 times, centered on the Image Cursor. This also operates from the shifted + key (the = key).

de-magnifies the image by 2 times, centered on the Image Cursor. This also operates from the shifted — key (the _ key).


Other Keystroke Commands

Several additional keystrokes that are not command accelerators are recognized by image windows. These require the window to have the keyboard focus.

[Shift] + Mouse click

Moves the image cursor to the target point, regardless of the current command mode.


Advances to the next member of the image set.

[Shift] + [Tab]

Steps backward to the previous member of the image set.

Arrow Keys

Move the image cursor precisely on the image, regardless of the current command mode.

Related Topics

Printing Images, Image Cursor, Image Palettes, Transfer Functions, Image Bar, Docking Panes, Image Sets, Image Coordinates, Image Window Properties, Image Tool Keystroke Commands