Point Measurements

The Point Measurement tool measures a collection of point coordinates and values on an image. In addition to reporting the pixel value, or "luminance", the pixel coordinates are reported in both (column,row) and world coordinates for images having a world coordinate calibration. Coordinates are marked using the mouse crosshair and may be refined using precision centroid coordinates computed near the clicked point. This command is like the Centroid measurement affiliated with the Image Cursor except this command operates from a toolbar and the the points are persistent until you leave the Points mode by closing the toolbar. This command allows many points to be drawn on the image whereas the centroid marks only one point at a time . Results are reported in the Points Measurement Pane or Point Measurements report window. The toolbar opens with Marking Mode (top button) active.

The following picture shows an Image Window with several points marked on the image. Notice the Point Measurements Toolbar docked on the left border of the Image Window.

The 3 points marked above created a Points Measurement Pane where the results are listed. You can also divert results to a top-level Report Window using the option in the Marker Properties dialog opened using the toolbar button.


  1. First, be sure the Drawing and Centroiding properties are set as desired. To open the Marker Properties dialog, click on the toolbar.

  2. If Marking Mode is not active, click the button on the window toolbar (not the Image Tools Toolbar).

  3. Move the mouse pointer to each target point and click the left mouse button. The results are reported in the measurement pane or window.

  4. To mark additional points, repeat step 3.

  5. To move an existing point, click on the Points toolbar to enter Move mode, then drag a marker to a new position and drop it there. If centroiding is enabled in the Marker Properties dialog, the marker will automatically centroid on near the point where it is dropped.

  6. If points are no longer needed, click to enter Delete mode and click on the points to remove them.

  7. To track marked points through an image set, click on the toolbar.

  8. To re-enter marking mode, click on the toolbar.

  9. To disable all toolbar modes for Point Measurements, click on the Image Bar or select Disable Modes from the Image Context Menu.

Measurement Results

Measurements are tabulated in the Points pane as shown above. Using this window, the measurements may be sorted, rearranged, saved to the clipboard or a file, etc.

If the image has a World Coordinate System ("WCS") calibration and the Centroid First Point box is checked in the Point Properties dialog , then (X,Y) is a centroid position computed from the centroid (column,row) position.

Column data in the Points pane and Point Measurements report are described in the table below..

Point Measurements Column Data


The sequence number of the measurement.


The name of the image that was measured


The distance in pixel units, or arcseconds if the image has a WCS calibration.


By default, Mira fills this column with a sequential number which is the index of the point starting at 1. However, unlike the # column, which cannot be edited, this entry can be edited to give the point any identifier which then would be included in a saved or copied report.


The X coordinate of the point in world coordinates. If no world coordinate calibration exists, the value is the column position.


The Y coordinate of the point in world coordinates. If no world coordinate calibration exists, the value is the row position..


The value of the pixel at (X,Y).


The column coordinate of the point.


The row coordinate of the point.


This column may be edited to include information about the measurement.

Related Topics

Measuring Images, Distance & Angle Measurements, Plot Point Query, Measurement Panes, Image Windows, Pixel Coordinate Definition, Sub Pixel Coordinate Definition, World Coordinate System