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The GetFileList function returns a lua table containing the full path name for files in a folder. The names are full path names including the full path. The names must match the specified template, which can be simply "*.*". Also see the CFindFiles class for another way to collect files from a folder.
nFiles = GetFileList( sFolder, sTemplate, tblNames )
sFolder is
the folder to search.
is the name pattern to match.
tblNames is
a table containing the file names, including the full path.
success, nFiles > 0 and tblNames contains an array of file name
failure, nFiles=0.
This example selects a target folder, matches all FITS image files matching the template "*.fts" and then lists them. Note that the entire for loop could be replaced by list(tbl) but the latter method does not permit formatting using Printf.
-- get the folder |
-- default location |
-- select folder in GetFolder() |
-- find all "*.fts" files in the folder |
-- create a table for the file names |
-- find files of this type |
-- return the table of file names |
-- list the file names from the table: |
Mira Pro x64 Script User's Guide, v.8.73 Copyright Ⓒ 2024
Mirametrics, Inc. All Rights Reserved.