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CStats Class Description
The CStats class computes statistics for numeric data. The data may be in the form of a 1-dimensional array (simple lua array) or a class object of type CImage or CPlotView. Using a CImage, you can optionally specify a rectangle that bounds the data region. Here are some details for the class objects:
a CImage object, the
data may have multiple channels, as for an RGB image.
a CPlotView object, all plot series are combined into a
single data set.
This class uses the same algorithms as the CImCombine class. Several of the estimators, like Mean and others, have two forms that return only the estimator or the estimator and stantard deviation. Similarly, the Min and Max methods have two forms that return the value or the value, x, and y coordinates.
Some of the CStats class methods have counterparts that do not require using the CStats class directly; see Table and Array Functions.
Construction |
Object = new_stats() Object = CStats:new() |
Destruction |
Object:delete() |
This function is normally used to create a new CStats object as an alternative to the class-based new method.
Global function that creates a new CStats object. |
Creates a new instance of the CImage class. |
Deletes the instance of the CImage object and deletes its image from memory. |
Computes the alpha-clipped mean and standard deviation. |
Computes the contra-power mean and standard deviation. |
Computes the geometric mean and standard deviation. |
Computes the kurtosis of the data set. |
Computes the maximum value and its coordinates. |
Computes the mean value with the maximum data value discarded, plus the standard deviation. |
Computes the coordinate of the maximum value. |
Computes the mean and standard deviation. |
Median and MedianSdev |
Computes the median and standard deviation. |
Computes the minimum value and its coordinates. |
Computes the mean value with the minimum data value discarded, plus the standard deviation. |
Computes the mean value with its minimum and maximum data values discarded, plus the standard deviation.. |
Computes the coordinate of the minimum value. |
Computes the Modified Trimmed Mean and standard deviation. |
Computes the rank percentile clipped mean and the standard deviation. |
Computes the percentile rank value and standard deviation. |
Computes the standard deviation. |
Computes the standard deviation about a specified mean value. |
Computes the sigma clipped mean and standard deviation. |
Computes the skewness of the data set. |
Computes 8 basic statistics and returns them as an indexed table with 8 elements, [1] through [8]. |
Computes 8 basic statistics and returns them as a table of names, like nMean, nSdev, etc.. |
Computes the sum and standard deviation of the data set. |
YpMean and YpMeanSdev |
Computes the Y-power Mean and standard deviation. |
Returns the error message for a method failed. |
Returns a non-zero error code if a method failed. |
Mira Pro x64 Script User's Guide, v.8.73 Copyright Ⓒ 2024
Mirametrics, Inc. All Rights Reserved.