sumn xdivn


The tcountn function returns the count of numeric values in a general lua table that may contain a multi-dimensional array or a mixture of numbers, strings, named keys, and sub-tables. Only numeric values found in the table are used in the total. If the table is an array, then the total should equal the total number of indices in the array. For a general table containing string and other values, the count will be less than the number of elements in the table.


nCount = tcountn( tbl )

bullet.gif    tbl is a general lua table.

bullet.gif    nCount is the count of the numeric values in the table.


The following script returns the number of numeric values in an ugly, complex table. Note that the string "24" is not counted as a numeric value.

t = { { 1, "c", a=-12, dar={17,"v"} }, {-15, "24", 3, 5} }


n = tcountn(t)

-- get the count

Printf("Count = %d\n", n )

-- result: Count = 6

Related Topics

Table and Array Functions



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