Working with Matrices CMatrix:Copy


The new_matrix function is a non-class version of the CMatrix:new method which creates and returns a new CMatrix object. You must call new before using any class methods or properties.


M = new_matrix()

bullet.gif    Default constructor. The new CMatrix M has no elements.

M = new_matrix( CMatrix2 )

bullet.gif    This is a copy constructor. The new CMatrix M is initialized to the members of the CMatrix2 argument.

M = new_matrix( nRows, nCols, val )

bullet.gif    The new CMatrix M is initialized to the first nRows rows x nCols columns of value val.

bullet.gif    val may be any type of Lua value, but defaults to 0.0 if omitted.


The following script shows the default constructor and the use of delete to free memory when the CMatrix will no longer be used by the script:

M = new_matrix()

-- create a new instance of M of the CMatrix class.


-- other uses of the class go here, between new and delete.


-- deletes the object and its associated memory.


The next example shows the use of all 3 constructors: default, copy, and initialization:

M1 = new_matrix(5,5,1.0)

-- initialization constructor

Printf("M1 = %lg", M1:Members())

-- result: M1 = 25

M2 = new_matrix(M1)

-- copy constructor

Printf("M2 = %lg", M2:Members())

-- result: M2 = 25

M3 = new_matrix()

-- default constructor

M3:Init(1 2,2.0)

-- set the first member

Printf("M3 = %lg", M:Members())

-- result: M3 = 1

Related Topics

CMatrix class, Copy, new, delete

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