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The flattenn function "flattens" a general lua table to a 1-dimensional array. This procedure discards all table keys and sub-tables but retains all values as an indexed 1-dimensional array. Flattening is useful, for example, to access all table data without keys and without keeping track of accessing sub-tables.

In comparison, the flatten function retains only the numeric values from a general table.


new_array = flattenn( tbl )

bullet.gif    tbl is a general lua table.

bullet.gif    new_array is the flattened 1-dimensional array.


The following script flattens a complex, ugly table. The oiginal and flattened tables are listed below the script.

t = { 6, -2, 15, "a", {5,"b"}, c="5.4" }



-- list the original table

tnew = flattenn(t)

-- flattenn to 1-dimension


-- list the result

In the listing below, notice that all values are retained but the keys and sub-tables are removed.


Original Table

Flattened Table






















Related Topics

Table and Array Functions


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