CValueSet:Copy CValueSet:delete


The Count method returns the number of members (key, value pairs) in the CValueSet object.


nCount = CValueSet:Count()

bullet.gif    Returns the number of members as an integer value.



The following example creates a CValueSet S and adds members to it, then returns the count of members:

S = new_valueset()

-- constructor, default to values of type "number"

S:Add( "my first string", 15.5 )

-- add a key and value

S:Add( "my second string", -7125.23 )

-- add a key and value

S:Add( "my third string", 0.923 )

-- add a key and value

Printf("Count= %d", S:Count())

-- result: Count = 3

Related Topics

CValueSet class

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