CTextView:new CTextView:Save


The Printf method writes formatted text to the text window wrapped by this CTextView object. This method provides functionality like the printf function in the C language. The Printf and Wprintf functions are global relatives of this method.


bResult = CTextView:Printf( sFmt, ... )

bullet.gif    sFmt is a format string.

bullet.gif    ... refers to an optional list of arguments (see Remarks).

bullet.gif    On success, this method returns true.

bullet.gif    On failure, this method returns false.


The Printf method takes 1 or more arguments. The first argument is a string that may be either the value to print or a format to be used for interpreting any additional arguments. Additional arguments provide values for the % fields embedded in the format string. The syntax of this function is compatible with the printf in the C or C++ language.


The script below creates a new CTextView and writes formatted text to it:


T = new_textview("My window")

-- create a new CTextView V

s = "My string" ; n = 12.553

-- string and number to print

T:Printf("'%s': v=%-12lg\n", s, n/2.1 ))

-- do a formatted print to T


-- other script commands...


-- delete T when no longer needed.

Related Topics

CTextView, Sprintf, CFile:Printf, Wprintf

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