CStats:GeometricMean CStats:GetStatus


The GetErrMsg method returns the error message when a statistics calculation fails.


sMsg = CStats:GetErrMsg()

bullet.gif    On success, the error message string sMsg is returned.

bullet.gif    If there was no error, an empty string, "", is returned.


Each CStats calculation returns a value and not a status code. If you wish to check the result of a calculation, check GetStatus for a non zero value. If it is non-zero, you can fetch the error message using GetErrMsg. Note: This method also returns an empty string if there is no CStats object.


The following script checks the MinMaxClipMean calculation for success and prints an error message if it failed:


S = new_stats()

-- create a CStats object

S:Init( I, R )

-- specify CImage and CRect to measure

nVal = S:MinMaxClipMean()

-- returns the mean value

if S:GetStatus() then

-- if stats calculation failed, this returns non 0

  Msg( S:GetErrMsg() )

-- show the error message



Related Topics

CStats class, GetStatus

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