CRect:Height CRect:Inflate


The Intersection method creates the intersection of this CRect with another CRect. The resulting CRect has the smallest absolute extent in each dimension.


CRect:Intersection( CRect2 )

bullet.gif    whereCRect2 is another CRect object.


The following script replaces CRect R with its intersection with CRectR2:

R = new_rect()

-- create a CRect object

R:Set(100, 200, 300, 600)


R2 = new_rect()

-- create another CRect object

R2:Set(-100, 250, 200, 800)


R:Intersection( R2 )

-- updates R, does not change R2

Printf("%lg:%lg, %lg:%lg\n", R:Get())

-- result: 100:200, 300:600.

Related Topics

CRect class, Union, Offset, Inflate

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